Mayor Fischer's statement on HB 314:
“Today I testified at the Senate State & Local Government Committee in Frankfort to express my concerns on HB 314, which would significantly alter merger, and jeopardize the success it has brought. Merger catapulted Louisville onto the national radar screen, streamlined services and made the community more attractive for businesses. While merger can and should be improved, it should only happen after a broad study and input from the people of Louisville – the same community-driven process that led to its creation. House Bill 314 has the potential to cut Louisville's population by half through the proliferation of small cities, add new layers of government that businesses and residents will be forced to navigate, and leave a $50 million hole in Metro's budget that funds services everyone uses, like 911, our jail, libraries and parks. I emphatically urge residents to call 1-800-372-7181 and tell state legislators to improve merger the right way – do a task force FIRST, with Louisville input, then make legislative improvements.”