Resources for those facing eviction

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September 2021

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Recently, the Supreme Court ruled to rescind the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) moratorium on evictions related to non-payment of rent. Because we know lack of housing puts people at greater risk for poor physical and mental health conditions, including COVID-19, the Center for Health Equity would like to share resources our partners have compiled. We would like to ask for your support in our efforts to share this information with our neighbors across Louisville.

  • Forcible Detainer court form: many people assume they are getting evicted when they get a "late on rent" letter from their landlord. This results in self-evictions. If the "eviction notice" you’ve received doesn't look like the Forcible Detainer form attached, please do not self-evict and apply for rent assistance. You will also be able to apply for moving assistance if you are able to find a new place to live. Also, check the rental defense toolkit if you don't know when your court date is or can't find your "eviction notice." It is critical that the renter attends court so they can let the judge know if they applied for rent assistance or went ahead and moved out so the eviction can be dismissed and doesn't damage their rental record.
  • Rent Assistance one-pager: provides an overview of rent assistance resources available in Jefferson County.
  • Eviction outreach flyer: provides information and steps to take for eviction prevention.
  • Rent Assistance application clinic: StopMyEviction is offering in-person support to apply for rent assistance through these clinics. Those who are tech savvy can also go to and download paperwork to complete so all they have to do is drop it off at the clinic (or using their dropbox).
  • Know Your Rights Video highlights: a link to and notes from a training video on landlord-tenant laws known as the Uniform Residential Landlord Tenant Act (URLTA). If your landlord violates these laws in filing for an eviction (doesn't provide proper notice, unable to prove claim for lease violation, etc), you may be able to request a jury trial and fight for your right to remain housed.
  • Renter Defense Toolkit: The resource listed on the third row is likely the most important one because it takes you to this website where renters can search their name to see if their landlord has filed an eviction against them. For anyone who falls behind on rent, please encourage them to check that courtnet website on a regular basis as they work on applying for rent assistance.
  • Eviction court Zoom guide: pictures and instructions on how to navigate Zoom to join eviction court.
  • Jury Trial FAQs: learn more about what Jury Trials are for eviction court and how renters can request one to buy themselves more time to move out or fight the case. According to Judge Anne Delahanty, as of August 27th, jury trials are currently being scheduled for September 13th.
  • LAA LFHC Memorandum: guidance for landlords on proper use of income requirements so as not to violate the Fair Housing law (please share with renters who have housing vouchers and are searching for housing).
  • Utility

For more information about where to find rent and utility assistance, check out Louisville’s eviction prevention website.