Spring is in the air, and there's no better time than now to get some fresh air, kick back and read a good book. For today's message, I'm starting you off with a good read --- a story of how two people met. Grab a beverage, find a quiet spot on the porch or deck, and get in the Spring spirit with this "Love at First Sight" story. Enjoy...
October 18 was a Wednesday that year, and Wednesdays were Ladies' Night at Horsefeathers. My cousin's boyfriend had recently broken up with her, and she wanted to go out and drown her sorrows. She needed a designated driver, so she called me.
My limited nightclub experience had been confined to the Bardstown Road/Baxter Avenue bars. I had never been to Horsefeathers, but even with my minimal knowledge of clubs, I didn't have high hopes of having much fun that night. There were just a handful of people in the bar when we walked in, but even so, my cousin knew several of them. I got my free soft drink and followed her while she made the rounds. We finally sat down at a tall table near the dance floor, and I sipped my Coke and kept time to the music while my cousin talked to friends.
People had started coming in, and before I knew it, the dance floor was filling up. My cousin was still chatting away, and I began people watching, but I really wanted to dance. In a booth against the wall were three guys in their early 20s. I could tell they were soldiers by their haircuts and black watches. They were cute, and I watched them spitting ice at a waitress when she wasn't looking. It wasn't very nice, but it was funny. One of them caught me laughing at them and smiled at me.
My cousin was wrapping up her conversations, and since she had work and I had class at UofL early the next morning, I knew we'd be leaving soon. I saw an older guy making his way to our table. I thought he was another of my cousin's friends, but he started talking to me. All of a sudden, he turned around, and one of the soldiers was standing there instead.
"Would you like to dance?" he asked.
"Oh gosh," I said, "we are about to leave."
My cousin looked at me, knowing how much I'd been wanting to get out on the dance floor, and said, "Oh, go ahead. We can stay a little while longer."
So the soldier and I walked onto the dance floor and started...talking. He told me his name, Kirk, and asked me mine. He was from Minnesota and confirmed he was stationed at Ft. Knox at Armor Officer Basic Training. He said his buddy's wife had just left him, and he was the designated driver that night. I told him I was an English major and also the designated driver, and we stood on the dance floor talking about books we'd read and who our favorite authors were, all the while barely moving to the music.
After about 15 or 20 minutes, my cousin was tapping on her watch. I told Kirk I had to go, and he walked me over to the table. The whole way back, a voice in my head was whispering,
"Don't let him get away! You will regret it for the rest of your life!"
So I did something I never did with a guy I had just met in a bar. I said, "Why don't you give me a call?" and wrote down my number on a napkin. He wrote down his number for me, and then my cousin and I left.
In the car on the way back to her apartment, I told my cousin, "I have just met the man of my dreams."
She laughed at me, but I said, "I'm serious! I've just met the man of my dreams."
That Friday while I was eating dinner, the phone rang, and it was Kirk. "Hey! You might not remember me, but we met at the bar the other night..."
We made plans to go to see a movie the next night. I didn't want him to know where I lived just yet, so I told him I'd meet him at the McDonald's on Bardstown Road by the Showcase Cinemas. We saw Dead Poets' Society and afterwards we went to Shoney's and sat in the booth until well after midnight drinking coffee and splitting a hot fudge cake.
For our second date, I drove to Ft. Knox, and Kirk took me repelling off the training tower and made me spaghetti. I knew by December that I wanted to marry him.
That was 1989. He moved to Ft. Hood, Texas in February, and after his brief trip to Saudi Arabia for the Persian Gulf War, we were married in August 1992. We lived in Texas, Arizona, and Hawaii before coming home to Kentucky where we have raised three wonderful children, now about the same ages we were when we met.
Sitting here on Valentine's Day thinking about those young kids we were, we had no idea what life would throw at us. We just knew we loved each other, and that has been enough.
NOTE: Throughout the story you read the name, "Kirk." Well, some of you know him. He's a District 7 resident and none other than the Mayor of Crossgate, Kirk Hilbrecht. That's right! The story is about how Mayor Hilbrecht and First Lady Sharron met. It was love at first sight!
I hope their story inspires you to share your story. How did you meet your soulmate? If you tell it to me, I just might tell it to others - right here in this very spot. Let me hear from you. Happy Spring!
To join us for the Zoom webinar, register at the link below:
You are invited to attend a review for a REVISED DETAILED DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PLAN for a 520-unit multi-family development on approximately 19 acres with associated Binding Elements, and Waivers and Variances.
Dante St. Germain (dante.st.germain@louisvilleky.gov)
PLANNING COMMISSION Thursday, April 1, 2021
Meeting will begin at 1:00 PM and continue until all cases are heard
Online Meeting - https://louisvilleky.gov/government/upcoming-public-meetings
If you wish to submit comments on this case, please submit comments (in writing) to the case manager by 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, March 31, 2021. Or visit www.louisvilleky.gov/government/Planning-Design for:
• Meeting agenda and staff report • More information on zoning processes • Public comment opportunities
Don’t have internet access? Please call 574-6230 to find out how to connect to the meeting by telephone.
Please complete a speaker record form or contact the case manager in advance of the meeting if you wish to speak. The speaker record form is available at the above website.
by: State Senator Karen Berg
’Twas the night before veto days
In the Senate and the House,
So much was occurring,
concurring, and choused.
Some bill drafts were burning,
churning hot off the press,
Some did more for Kentuckians,
But others did less.
The clock struck midnight as the Kentucky General Assembly adjourned on Day 28 of the 2021 Regular Session. It marked the end of a "vote-a-rama," when dozens of bills finished springing out of the legislature in the final two days before members recessed for the "veto period."
The new 1-year budget in House Bill (HB) 192 will essentially piggyback on the document lawmakers adopted in 2020. While Kentucky expects to receive approximately $2.5 billion in one-time federal COVID-19 relief money from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the state awaits more clarification on the exact amount and guidelines on how the dollars can be distributed.
Other appropriations in the 2021-22 fiscal year state/executive branch budget that are expected include:
- $1.7 million for Bluegrass Station Airport and Air Park in Lexington.
- $4.1 million in federal funds for pandemic related-relief programs.
- Full funding of the actuarially required contributions for the Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System and Kentucky Employees Retirement System.
HB 126 raises the threshold of felony theft to $1,000. Under current law, stealing anything worth $500 or more is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. HB 126 also allows police to charge members of organized shoplifting rings with a felony if a member stole a total of $1,000 worth of merchandise over 90 days. It is estimated to save the state $4 million a year in prison costs, and allows law enforcement to focus on more serious crimes. It passed in the Senate by a 25-11 vote.
HB 258 makes changes to the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) for new members after 2022 by moving them into a hybrid plan. This bill passed the Senate by a 25-11 vote. I voted no.
HB 273, known as the Bailey Hope-Preston Cope Victims Privacy Act, will exclude from the Open Records Act photographs or videos that depict a person's death, killing, rape, or sexual assault or abuse except to any victim involved in the incident, any state agency or political subdivision investigating official misconduct, a legal representative of any involved party, and others listed in the bill. It passed unanimously.
HB 320 aims to allocate $250 million to expand broadband in the Commonwealth. It allows distribution cooperatives to facilitate operations of broadband services to unserved and underserved households and businesses. The public health crisis revealed the lack of broadband accessibility many Kentuckians struggle with across the state. HB 320 will bring equity to those areas by increasing connectivity, which is a necessity in 2021. It passed the Senate by a vote of 36-0.
HB 328 re-establishes Kentucky’s regulatory authority for roadside billboards after a federal court ruling called the state’s prior regulations into question. HB 328 passed the Senate 30-6.
HB 574 expands Kentucky elections in several ways. Now, you will be able to vote in-person for several days before Election Day, and there will be more ways to qualify for absentee ballots. It increases access to voting in Kentucky, and passed in the Senate 33-3.
HB 563, known as the school choice bill, allows students to use funds from Education Opportunity Accounts (EOAs) to attend a public school outside his or her district. In a few counties, including Jefferson and Fayette, those monies could be used for students to attend private schools.[NOTE: Senator Berg fears that the legislation undermines public education by siphoning off public dollars to benefit private and religious institutions at the expense of the most vulnerable students. There is also no language to prohibit discrimination in schools accepting EOA payments, which may lead to schools cherry-picking students.] HB 563 passed in the Senate by a vote of 21-15.
All these bills now go to the Governor, who has 10 days, excluding Sundays, to sign the measures or veto any items in the budget or the entire spending plan.
To review all the bills that have been enrolled and delivered to the Governor for his signature, you can visit: https://apps.legislature.ky.gov/record/21rs/enrolled.html.
Members will return on Monday, March 29 and Tuesday, March 30 to review vetoes handed down by the Governor. A majority vote of elected members in the House and Senate is required to override a veto.
Ready for a summer job? All Louisville youth between the ages of 16 and 21 (as of June 1) are eligible to enroll in SummerWorks 2021.. Once they register online and complete a new virtual job readiness training course, youth will be able to apply for job opportunities geared toward them. To register for the program click here.
SummerWorks, which was founded by Mayor Fischer in 2011 after federal funding for summer jobs was eliminated, has directly placed Louisville youth in more than 6,700 summer jobs. The program’s core operating funds are approved by the Louisville Metro Council. Private donations sponsor jobs for youth in greatest need of the opportunity. Those contributors include the James Graham Brown Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, the Gingko Foundation, the Community Foundation of Louisville, the Diaz Family Foundation, and other organizations and individuals.
SummerWorks is operated by YouthBuild Louisville in partnership with KentuckianaWorks, the Louisville Region’s Workforce Development Board. To learn more about SummerWorks and how to get involved as a participant, employer, or supporter, visit https://www.summerworks.org/
Mayor Greg Fischer announced that Louisville Metro Government is loosening restrictions on special events.
The Office of Special Events is accepting applications for events via its online portal. Applicants are required to download and review the state’s guidelines and guidance on events and submit a COVID-19 Safety Protocol Plan with any application. Permit requests for events must adhere to state and local Health Department guidance on preventing the spread of COVID-19 based on CDC recommendations.
Those protocols include communicating that individuals should stay home if sick; remain at least six (6) feet apart from people not a part of their household; wear a cloth face covering or mask over your nose and mouth; and screen and exclude persons with fever, symptoms of COVID-19, and/or direct exposure.
If an event involves more than 50 people, organizers must maintain a record of guests, for contact tracing and notification purposes if someone becomes infected.
Louisville Parks has been gradually moving toward opening more amenities to the public. Within the past few months, playgrounds, and basketball courts have been re-opened with social distancing recommendations in place. Information regarding registration for summer sports is provided below.
Registration For Summer Sports Teams and Leagues
All teams and Leagues must follow state and local Health Department guidance on preventing the spread of COVID-19, based on CDC recommendations.
Kickball, Softball, T-ball register here.
While online registration is preferred, those looking to form a team or sign up their child can also call the Cyril Allgeier Community Center at (502) 574-4515 for additional information.
Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RIB) register here.
Louisville Parks and Recreation has partnered with Major League Baseball and their Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI) program to increase interest and participation in the game of baseball and softball as well as encourage academic participation and the value of teamwork.
League Registration register here.
Volunteer Coaches Needed
There is a need for volunteer coaches and various help throughout the summer. Giving your time to support these leagues is a great way to help out in the community. For more information on how to get involved, click here.
On Monday, Gov. Andy Beshear announced 99.7% of all first vaccine doses sent to Kentucky have been administered after another record-setting week. Over the past week, more than 142,000 Kentuckians have received a COVID-19 vaccine.
“We believe that we are going to hit the president’s goal that every adult in Kentucky and across America who wants their shot of hope will be able to get it by the end of May,” said Gov. Beshear. “We’ve had nine straight weeks of declining cases and if we continue to see this trend, we can relax some of the restrictions even more. But we need to be careful and make sure we bring everybody to the finish line.”
Gov. Beshear, First Lady Britainy Beshear and Kentucky Public Health Commissioner Dr. Steven Stack recognized the milestone of 1 million Kentuckians being vaccinated during a ceremony at the state Capitol. To learn more, see the full release.
On Thursday, Gov. Andy Beshear announced three new regional vaccination locations with two of them being placed in Louisville. The new locations in are:
Cardinal Stadium: 2800 S. Floyd St.
- March 31, Kentuckians can schedule appointments that begin April 12 by calling 502-681-1435 or visiting uoflhealth.org.
- The site will be able to vaccinate up to 4,000 people per day as vaccine supply is available making it Kentucky's largest COVID-19 vaccination site.
Whitney Young Elementary: 3526 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.
- Individuals who live in West Louisville can go to NortonHealthcare.com to register for vaccination appointments that begin at this location on April 1.
- Humana and Norton Healthcare will soon announce a toll-free number for scheduling appointments for people who need assistance with the registration process.
- This number is intended for use by people who live in West Louisville.
Kentucky Dam Village Convention Center: 113 Administration Drive, Gilbertsville, KY 42044
- Vaccination appointments begin March 24. Kentuckians can pre-register now at kyvax.com/kydam or call 859-217-4679.
- The University of Kentucky, Wild Health, the Marshall County Health Department and Kentucky State Parks are the multiple partners helping manage the site.
Gov. Beshear announced licensed child care facilities can return to traditional classroom group sizes. By Kentucky statute, the group sizes range from 10 for infants, with a staff-to-child ratio of one to five, to 30 children for kids ages 7 and older and a staff-to-child ratio of one to 25.
“A bright day in Kentucky just got brighter,” the Governor said. “The care that has been taken to protect Kentucky’s children and hard-working child care staff will continue even as group sizes increase.”
Children and adults will be screened for fever and contagious symptoms when they enter child care facilities. Personal protective equipment will be provided and worn, and proper sanitization and infection-control measures will be required.
Social distancing requirements will continue to be observed and facility visits will be limited. The same staff members are being asked to work with the same children each day, reducing potential exposure.
To help honor more than 5,000 Kentuckians lost to COVID-19 and the sacrifices of Kentuckians during the pandemic, Gov. Beshear today launched the Team Kentucky COVID-19 Memorial Fund, which will help make a permanent memorial on Capitol grounds a reality.
“This fund will help us make sure no Kentuckian is ever forgotten,” said Gov. Beshear. “Kentuckians can dedicate a donation to someone they’ve lost or someone they want to honor. Soon we’ll announce an artist call to encourage artists to submit their ideas for something that can truly encapsulate the grief, hope, togetherness, difficulty – all of those things we have felt this past year. The sleepless nights, but also, the coming together.”
The Governor first announced plans for the memorial during a March 6 ceremony in Frankfort that honored the Kentuckians lost to COVID-19 since the first case was confirmed in the commonwealth March 6, 2020. To learn more, see the full release.
Citizen's may use Dashboards provided on the state website to view the following statistics: Confirmed Cases, Cases by County, Cases by Sex, Cases by Age Group, Confirmed Deaths, Deaths by Sex and Deaths by Age Group. The Dashboard may be accessed by computer. here.
Since Monday, March 15, people in Tier 1C (individuals ages 16-59 who have qualifying medical conditions and essential employees) are eligible for COVID-19 vaccination in Louisville. LouVax, the vaccination site at Broadbent Arena, will continue prioritization of individuals ages 60 and up.
Essential employers who would like to help their employees receive vaccinations can submit a form through Metro Public Health and Wellness. The form should only be completed by human resource managers or senior leaders and not by individual employees.
Below are links to websites for waitlists, information and appointments. Due to available supply, appointments are limited.
To stay informed on vaccine efforts in Louisville, please sign up now for weekly Covid-19 updates.
After You Travel Recommendations:
Get tested 3-5 days after travel AND stay home and self-quarantine for 7 days after travel.
- Even if you test negative, stay home and self-quarantine for the full 7 days.
- If your test is positive, isolate yourself to protect others from getting infected.
- If you don’t get tested, it’s safest to stay home and self-quarantine for 10 days after travel.
- Avoid being around people who are at increased risk for severe illness for 14 days, whether you get tested or not.
Always follow state and local recommendations or requirements related to travel.
Kentucky’s COVID-19 Vaccine Hotline, 855-598-2246 or TTY 855-326-4654 (for deaf or hard-of-hearing Kentuckians), has the same features as the website. Kentuckians can get assistance completing the vaccine eligibility questionnaire and scheduling an appointment when doses are available. The hotline is available 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. EST Monday through Friday.
The Center for Health Equity (CHE) at the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness, and its Community Advisory Board are inviting Louisville artists to help shape the 2021 Health Equity Report.
CHE is offering a $10,000 grant each to two artists who will work with them for six months to engage Louisvillians on what healing, health and wellness look and feel like and what it can potentially become. Artists are asked to envision an art project, series or experience that creates a healing, caring, holistic Louisville.
Artists are invited to submit a proposal either online or by mail to the Louisville Department of Public Health and Wellness, Attn: Hollenbach & White, 400 E. Gray St. Louisville, KY 40202. The deadline to submit proposals is March 31. A virtual meeting to share information and answer questions with all interested artists is scheduled for Monday, March 22 at 6 p.m. and will be live-streamed on the Department of Public Health and Wellness Facebook page. Artists interested in joining the meeting should email maya.white@louisvilleky.gov. CHE expects to announce the winning proposals by the end of May.
Must be scheduled at least 72 hours before appointment!
This is a great opportunity for talented individuals looking for a chance to break into the pro football industry!
Haven Harrington III, Director of Communications
Louisville Xtreme Football
For more information and/or to sign up for participation in the listening session click https://bit.ly/YCLSTUDY.
The League of Women Voters of Louisville invites individual volunteers and organizations to submit nominees for its 2021 The Presidents’ Citizen Award to be presented at the League's annual meeting in June to a volunteer individual or organization for an exceptional contribution in terms of community service, significant impact, and/or demonstrated leadership within the Greater Louisville Geographic Area.
The deadline for Nominations is April 1, 2021. For additional information and how to nominate yourself or someone else please email lwvlouisville@gmail.com or click here.
The 66th Kentucky Derby Festival is taking the annual Pegasus Parade to neighborhoods around the community in 2021.
“This is just one of the ways the Derby Festival is working to bring our events to the community,” said Matt Gibson, Kentucky Derby Festival President & CEO. “With the help of our sponsors, this year’s parade will be a ‘touring’ event that will help us kick off the 2021 Festival.”
The Zoeller Pump Company Touring Pegasus Parade will take place during the afternoon on Saturday, April 10, and Sunday, April 11. The 2021 parade, themed “A Tribute to the Community,” will feature nearly 20 units, including some colorful inflatables, mascots, and Festival VIPS, like the 2021 Royal Court. It will travel over 60 miles and through more than 35 neighborhoods around Louisville over the two days.
The Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana and T-Mobile are Contributing Sponsors of the 2021 parade. This is the first year T-Mobile has sponsored the parade, and the third year the Girl Scouts have been a partner on the event, joining Kentucky Venues and The Official Hotel, The Galt House. WAVE 3 News, official TV broadcast partner of the parade, will produce a special that will air on the traditional parade date of Thursday, April 29.
The Festival is also calling on residents to decorate their porches, yards and homes in honor of this year’s Derby Festival season. Then, post photos on social media using the hashtag #PegasusPorchParade or #DerbyFestivalSpirit, as part of this year’s festivities.
Pegasus Pins are already available at local retailers. For more information about all Derby activities visit the official website here.
The first Louisville Taco Week will happen April 12-18. Participating restaurants will offer specialty $2 tacos , with a minimum of three tacos. Most restaurants will offer takeout options.
Restaurants such as Taco City Louisville, I Love Tacos, Agave & Rye, and Merle's Whiskey Kitchen will participate, with more restaurants being added at a later date. For more information click here to read the full article.click here to read the full article.
JCPS is hiring! Please spread the word as JCPS recruits substitute custodians, bus drivers, and teachers! Interested parties can apply at jefferson.kyschools.us.
Ahead Human Resources provides Jefferson County Public Schools with custodians and groundskeepers.
The custodial positions are temp-to-hire and start immediately. There are 30 openings.
Hiring for all second shifts: 2:30-11:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Each custodian must be able to get themselves to the CB Young Service Center on Crittenden Drive. They will then be transported to the school or schools they will be working in for the evening. **MUST have reliable transportation, because TARC is unavailable after shift ends.
These jobs are $13/hour until June 30, then the pay will DECREASE to $12/hour. The $13 is simply a hiring incentive.
The groundskeepers jobs begin April 1. Must drive self to JCPS Garage on Preston Hwy. The shift is from 6:30 AM – 3:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Again, reliable transportation is necessary, as most people cannot get anywhere on TARC by 6:30 AM. These positions pay $12.30/hour. These could technically be considered temp to perm, but the season typically ends in November, so the majority of employees will be laid off. **COULD be placed in other positions.
JCPS will not accept employees with felony convictions. All applicants are subject to paid background checks, paid TB testing and must complete a pre-employment physical.
Interested individuals must bring driver's license and Social Security card and apply in person at: Ahead Human Resources, 2209 Heather Lane, Louisville, KY 40218.
The Louisville Division of Fire is now hiring for the position of Fire Recruit. Click here to apply.
You can find more information about the position, benefits and hiring process here: Become a Firefighter
The Deadline to apply is April 9, 2021.
8100 blk
Oxmoor auto group - entry gained by rock through window
TBUT OR DISP AUTO > $10,000 BUT < $1,000,000
2000 blk
closed/cleared unfounded
TBUT OR DISP AUTO > $10,000 BUT < $1,000,000
8600 blk
closed/cleared unfounded
TBUT OR DISP AUTO > $10,000 BUT < $1,000,000
100 blk
vehicle taken on test drive and never returned
100 blk
back passenger window broken
800 blk
8100 blk
CAT converter
Metro Louisville now has an interactive map that will allow you to see what is happening in your neighborhood as well as others across the city. The map updates daily and if you choose you can receive alerts for your area by subscribing using the red receive alerts button on the page. Click here to try it out:.Interactive Map to Track Crime Available.
Being silly should not just be for kids. How would you goof off? Here are few recommendations from National Today.
1. Be silly There are a lot of really serious people in the world, and that’s because the social anxiety is real. It’s easy to believe that you’ll get judged by your friends if you let your guard down and crack a few jokes. It’s hard to get over the fear of making a fool of yourself! However, National Goof Off Day is the prime time to conquer that fear and act silly with some friends. We promise they’ll laugh along with you.
2. Rewatch your favorite comedy What better way to celebrate being goofy than with some of Hollywood’s greatest professional comedians? From The Three Stooges to your favorite comedian today laughter is good for you and very contagious!
3. Leave the work until tomorrow National Goof Off Day is the day for everything silly … and that doesn’t include work (unless you work as a comedian). Take a personal day and go out and enjoy that spring sunshine! If we’ve learned anything from Ferris Bueller, it’s that sometimes a personal day is much-needed. Who knows—you might even get to star in your own flash mob! If you do, we’d love to see it.
Want to find out more? Check out National Today for this story and other holidays. Would you like to learn some new family friendly jokes? Check out these at Readers Digest.
*Answer can be found at the very bottom of this e-Newsletter...
To view the Governors most recent updates on click here: https://kentucky.gov/Pages/Activity-stream.aspx?n=GovernorBeshear&prId=641
In August 2016 Louisville Metro Emergency Services teamed up with Bullitt County, Oldham County, and Washington County to create a regional emergency notification system – Louisville Emergency Notification System (LENSAlert). Its enhanced capabilities include using all communications modes to send alerts – mobile phones, landlines, email, text, social media, IPAWS-OPEN. Take another step in being prepared for disasters and sign up for LENSAlert today.
In addition to receiving notifications, individuals can create a Safety Profile for themselves and their household that can include any information they want 9-1-1 and first responders to have in the event of an emergency. When individuals make an emergency call, their Safety Profile is automatically displayed to the 9-1-1 call taker, allowing them to send the right responders to the right location with the right information. Information about medical history, allergies to medication, number of residents in a home and even a picture of the family dog can all be added to a Safety Profile.
Click Here for Frequently Asked Questions About Smart911
Are you looking for a public place to exchange items you've sold online? Do you share custody of a child and are looking for somewhere to exchange custody?
The Louisville Metro Police Department is providing MetroSWAP Zones outside of some Division offices.
There is 24 hour video surveillance. LMPD recommends:
- Agree to meet the person ONLY at a MetroSWAP station.
- Meet only during daylight hours.
- Tell someone you trust where you are meeting and at what time.
- Meet in the parking lot at two designate areas of each location.
- Make the interaction brief and to the point.
MetroSWAP Zones are at:
Visit http://www.louisvilleky.gov/MetroPolice/Patrol+Divisions/ to sign up to receive the LMPD’s new crime alert update for your neighborhood. Simply select your LMPD division number and click "Subscribe to Crime Alerts by Beat" to begin receiving the update.
- Division 5, please call dispatch at 502-574-7111
- Division 8, please call dispatch at 502-574-2111
Fifth Division - This division covers the area including the Highlands, Clifton and Cherokee and Seneca Parks.
Eighth Division - This division covers the area including Middletown, Lyndon, Oxmoor and the Ford Truck Plant.
Interactive Crime Mapping
You can now map crime in Louisville using the interactive mapping tool.
NOTICE: All Metro Council meetings are carried live on Metro TV, Spectrum Cable Channel 184 and U-verse Channel 99.
The meetings are also available online at the Metro Council home page at http://louisvilleky.gov/government/metro-council/metro-council-clerk. (Click here and click on the “Watch Meetings Online” button.)
OR access prior or current meetings here:
Agendas for these meetings can be viewed using the following link:
Click Here to: View All Agencies
Click Here to Visit Website for Laws, State Legislators, Watch Bills, etc
Click here for more info.