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markus winkler - louisville metro council - district 17

June 5, 2020

No-Knock Warrant Legislation

Wednesday afternoon, the Metro Council's Public Safety Committee met to consider legislation regulating the use of no-knock search warrants. The current version addresses several of the concerns raised in the Breonna Taylor shooting:

Requirements - No-knock warrants could be sought only in cases involving imminent threat of harm or death to law enforcement and/or civilians. This would include offenses such as murder, hostage taking, and human trafficking.

Warrant Applications - Forms would require those asking for the no-knock warrant to explain why less invasive methods could not be used, whether the warrant could effectively be executed during daylight hours, etc.

Execution of No-Knock Warrants - SWAT team officers only would be permitted to conduct activities necessary to breech, enter, and secure premises in cases of no-knock warrants. In addition, all LMPD officers present in the execution of a warrant would be equipped with an operating body camera.

A special Public Safety Committee meeting will take place Monday, June 8 at 1 p.m. to continue working on this legislation with the intention of passing it at the Metro Council meeting on June 11. If you are interested in reading the proposed ordinance in its entirety, please click here for access to past committee meeting agendas.

Contact the District 17 Office

Markus Winkler
17th District Councilman



Kip Eatherly
Legislative Aide


Important Numbers

Animal Services   473-7387
Codes & Regulations   574-2508
EACM   426-2824
Health & Wellness   574-6520
Jefferson Co. Clerk   574-5700
KY Science Center   561-6100
LG&E   589-1444
LMPD (8th Division)   574-2258
Louisville Water   583-6610
Louisville Zoo   459-2181
Mayor's Office   574-2003
MSD   540-6000
NE Regional Library   394-0379
Parks   574-7275
Planning   574-6230
Public Works   574-5810
TARC   585-1234

FY21 Budget

Next week is our last week of scheduled hearings involving department representatives, and it's a busy one. The meeting schedule is below:

June 8 - Louisville Forward to include Economic Development, Develop Louisville, Codes & Regulations, and the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (3:30 p.m.)

June 9 - Evolve502 Scholarship Support (4 p.m.) and Public Works (5 p.m.)

June 10 - Family Health Center (3:00 p.m.), Health & Wellness (3:45 p.m.), County Attorney (4:45 p.m.), and Coroner (5:45 p.m.)

The week of June 15 is set aside for any necessary follow-up. Approval of the FY21 budget is expected at the June 25 Metro Council meeting.

Old Cardinal Stadium Seats - TARC Stops


Many of you have fond memories of the old Cardinal Stadium. What comes to mind might be a high school football championship, a Louisville Redbirds game, or even a concert! I have partnered with TARC, Metro Public Works, and others to bring some of the seats from the stadium (and maybe even the memories that come with them!) to a couple of TARC stops in our district. Groupings of seats like the ones pictured above will soon be placed at existing stops just east of the intersection of Hurstbourne Parkway and Westport Road. I am pleased we'll be able to keep these out of the landfill while also providing seating for our TARC riders and maybe even a topic of discussion next time you're in the area. Visit the TARC web site for information on schedules, fares, and routes.

Healthy at Work

As you probably know by now, Healthy at Work is Kentucky's phased approach to reopening our economy. Assuming certain public health benchmarks and industry-specific requirements are met, the following activities and/or businesses will be allowed to open next week if they choose:

June 8 - Educational and cultural attractions (such as museums, aquariums, and distilleries) and in-home childcare programs

June 11 - Kentucky Horse Park and Kentucky State Park campgrounds

For more information, visit the Healthy at Work web site.

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