District 8 eNews: The Spring Break Edition

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Brandon Coan

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Jasmine Weatherby
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Welcome: Come Together

This edition of District 8 eNews is all about… meetings!  Meeting is how business is done – including the public’s business.  I meet, you meet, we all meet.  Some meetings are productive and constructive; others are a total and complete waste of time.  (You know what I’m talking about.)

I have been involved in approximately 972 meetings since I took office on January 2, 2017 (yes, of course we counted!), and I unequivocally declare the handful of meetings discussed in this newsletter to be the most thought-provoking and consequential of them all, so I urge you consider attending one or more of them, as they pertain to your interests.         

First, tonight (Wed 3/28) at 6:00pm we are hosting the first-ever “District 8 Town and Gown-Hall Meeting,” in partnership with Jefferson County Public Schools, at Hawthorne Elementary School, 2301 Clarendon Ave.  We’re planning at least eight meetings at District 8 public, parochial and independent schools by the end of 2020 in an effort to bring our city government and school systems closer together.  Schools are critical infrastructure; education is the key to public health, wealth and happiness; our neighborhoods are where these impacts are concentrated – and your Louisville Metro Government has almost no control over any of it…  That’s why, in my opinion, we need to talk more about working as partners, starting in the immediate vicinity of school grounds.  Join JCPS Superintendent Dr. Marty Pollio, Board Member Dr. Chris Kolb, Principal Jessica Rosenthal and me to share your thoughts and learn more.  For additional background, listen to my interview with Chris on the Eight More Miles podcast, recorded last fall.

6:00pm tomorrow at the Highlands-Shelby Park (Mid City Mall) Library is public meeting number two of three on the proposed Highlands Management District.  Meeting number one took place on Monday (3/26) and was well-attended by directly-affected property owners, business owners and neighbors, alike.  WAVE 3 News was there and produced this report, which although not pointedly accurate provides a fair overview of the concept being considered.  If you are a Baxter Avenue or Bardstown Road property owner between Broadway and the Douglass Loop area, especially, please refer to these primary documents on my website for the most accurate and complete information about the proposal.  Personally, I found meeting #1 to be extremely valuable, and I think that others did, too.  If you can’t make meeting #2, meeting #3 is 6:00pm Monday, April 2 at the Douglass Community Center, in the gym.    

Our bi-monthly District 8 Advisory Board meeting was also held Monday (3/26).  Among other items, we discussed planning to pave the next round of roads in fiscal '19, how I’ve chosen to spend this budget year’s discretionary Capital Infrastructure Funds and – notably – putting the power to program next year’s CIF budget into your hands, through participatory budgeting.   D8AB meeting minutes and full video are available online.

* * *

On a personal note, I’m happy to share the news with you that my wife and I welcomed our first-born child, Simon Zephyr Coan, into the world on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17 at 11:23am.  Everyone is healthy and – other than a little (a lot!) tired – doing well.  We’re going to throw a big, green parade for his first birthday, and you’re all invited.


For breaking news and information, please follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  If you have a question or comment, please call me at: (502) 574-1108 or email: brandon.coan@louisvilleky.gov (and copy jasmine.masterson@louisvilleky.gov).  If you have a service request, please call MetroCall at: 311 or visit MetroCall 311 online.  Visit the District 8 Strategic Plan page here.