Equity ARC: October

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Center for Health Equity

400 East Gray Street

Louisville, Kentucky 40202


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We're Hiring! 

We're seeking great team members for the following positions. Share with your networks! 

Management Analyst 

  • Reviews service delivery processes and practices and develops equity analysis tools
  • Conducts policy analysis, needs assessment, and stakeholder analysis of city policies and recommend changes to support equity goals
  • Develops and communicates change strategies, equity analysis results, progress and recommendations to community and staff using written reports and presentations
  • Coordinates initiatives and programs, collaborates with and convenes with community partners on activities that support LMG equity goals

Learn more and apply by clicking here

Community Outreach Coordinator

  • Assists in planning, developing and implementing policies, procedures and programs
  • Attends public meetings and community group meetings to provide information, answer questions, discuss citizens' complaints, concerns and issues, and to explain procedures and operations
  • Organizes and coordinates community outreach programs, projects and activities with agencies or departments to provide information, to publicize available services and to maintain positive public relations
  • Recruits citizens for community projects and activities

Learn more and apply by clicking here

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One Word, Many People

Each year in the United States ‘Hispanic Heritage Month’ is celebrated from September 15 through October 15. Why these dates? The Library of Congress notes, “September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period.” The observance of this month officially came into law in 1988.

The word itself—Hispanic—is not universally recognized or accepted by those who it is used to describe. This is for a number of reasons including: ‘Hispanic’ is used as a descriptor who are Spanish-speaking, but not all people who are labeled ‘Hispanic’ speak Spanish, and for many the word marks a history of colonization. So what are other terms people use to describe themselves? Many people identify themselves by any of the numerous and diverse nationalities (Puerto Rican, Mexican, Guatemalan, etc.), but many use the word ‘Latino’—this is also shifting. Latino refers to people with nationalities within Latin America and those who have cultural and ancestral connections there. In Spanish nouns are gendered and the masculine used as the default to describe groups of people. Recently, there is the emergence of the word ‘Latinx’ (pronounced La-teen-ex). This word is being used by some to signify inclusion of identities that fall outside of a gender binary (male/female).

Here are some important facts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/hispanic-health/index.html) regarding the health of Latinx people in the United States:

  • About 1 in 6 people living in the US are Latinos (almost 57 million). By 2035, this could be nearly 1 in 4.
  • The Latino death rate is 24% lower than Whites ("non-Hispanic Whites").
  • Latinos are about 50% more likely to die from diabetes or liver disease than Whites.
  • Mexicans and Puerto Ricans are about twice as likely to die from diabetes as Whites. Mexicans also are nearly twice as likely to die from chronic liver disease and cirrhosis as Whites.
  • Smoking overall among Hispanics (14%) is less common than among Whites (24%), but is high among Puerto Rican males (26%) and Cuban males (22%).*
  • Hispanics are as likely as Whites to have high blood pressure. But Hispanic women with high blood pressure are twice as likely as Hispanic men to get it under control.

*National Health Interview Survey data, 2009-2013 combined, for ages 18-64 years.

Just as other identities we have discussed in this space, working toward equity means allowing people to define and name themselves in ways that make sense for them. We must be mindful of this in our public health work as we understand that people make these different choices based on their experiences and culture. In order to advance equity, it is important to keep this in mind as we engage the communities we work with.