District 8 eNews: The Back to School Edition

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Brandon Coan

Email Brandon

Jasmine Masterson

Legislative Aide

Email Jasmine

 tel: 574-1108

 District 8 Website

Welcome: Homeroom

Tomorrow (Wed 8/16) is the first day of school for Jefferson County Public Schools students, and to celebrate (commiserate?) I’m turning my attention to Strategic Objective 3 of my One Highlands Plan for District 8: Bringing Our City Government and School Systems Closer Together.  Officially, Louisville Metro Government has no responsibility or authority over JCPS, but as a practical matter the massive operation and infrastructure impacts our neighborhoods and daily lives as much or more than any other aspect of community life.  (Parochial and independent school systems figure similarly, too.)  That’s why I’m taking baby steps to collaborate with education leaders, help District 8 schools get organized, communicate among themselves and with neighborhoods and leverage schools as community assets.  My observation is that we have barely scratched the surface in this area and the potential is huge.  Imagine more students volunteering for community service, more neighbors involved in tutoring and mentoring young people and more public access to school amenities like libraries, computer labs, cafeterias and gyms.  The possibilities are really exciting!

JCPS Board of Education Member Dr. Chris Kolb will be my guest on the October episode of Eight More Miles: the Louisville Metro Council District 8 Podcast to discuss all of the above and more.  (My September guest is new LMPD Fifth Division Commander, Major Aubrey Gregory.)  Chris and I are also working together to plan the first in what will be a continuing series of town hall-style meetings at District 8 schools featuring both city government and education officials to answer your questions about issues on the town-gown seam.  We’re still working out the details but expect the event take place in early November. 

Finally, I’ll be reaching out to all District 8 schools about forming an informal association over the coming months.  The goal is not to establish a new organization but rather to create a forum for the many diverse schools in District 8 to discuss and pursue their common and community interests.  Like religious institutions, schools can be effective conveners and catalysts for community organizing and social progress.  

Whether you are a parent, teacher, staff person, administrator or neighbor, we’re all stakeholders in both our neighborhoods and our schools.  I hope you’ll consider getting more involved in both (especially whichever you’re less involved with now!), and I welcome your ideas and suggestions for how to make this initiative a successful one.

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In two weeks, I’ll be out of the country and, so, for the first time District 8 eNews will be a Jasmine Masterson Production.  Many of you have met our wonderful Legislative Aide (at least via phone or email), and she is going to use her eNews opportunity – The How-To Edition – to share lessons learned over our first eight months for solving some of the most frequently asked questions and problems that come across our desks.  I hope you enjoy Jasmine’s writing and the brief respite from my bad puns.

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For breaking news and information, please follow me on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram.  If you have a question or comment, please call me at: (502) 574-1108 or email: brandon.coan@louisvilleky.gov (and copy jasmine.masterson@louisvilleky.gov).  If you have a service request, please use MetroCall 311 online to submit or check on it, and contact our office if you experience any problems.


Councilman Brandon Coan