The Kansas City Metro Tax Coalition and MU Extension are seeking volunteers for the upcoming tax season (January – April 2024). The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) programs prepare free tax returns for people who qualify. Volunteers will receive training and certification before they begin working with taxpayers. Even if you don’t want to do taxes, there are many ways to serve. You can also earn continuing education credits! Send questions to kcvita@missouri.edu or register online at: https://extension.missouri.edu/counties/urban-west-region/tax-prep/.
Save the date
Volunteer orientation is Saturday, November 11, 2023, 10:00am - 11:00am by Zoom. A second session will be available on 12/05 at 6:00pm. Tax law training will be 12/11 through 12/13 by Zoom.

Check out these informational snapshots from the 2022 Community Health Assessment (CHA).
Local Election Season is Here!
What do you need to know about campaigns signs?
The enforcement of temporary signage in the public right of way under Sec 27-722(e), where during this time period a sign may not be enforced for being in the right of way as long as it does not cause a safety issue (e.g. sight distance triangle, or blocking a traffic signal or street sign)
The time periods for 45 days before and 2 days after any election are: June 17 – August 3, and September 22 – November 9.
Primary Election: August 1, 2023
General Election: November 7, 2023


Veterans Treatment Court (VTC) provides a treatment-based alternative to veterans to receiving "standard" sentence or diversion for their legal circumstances by offering intensive mental health and substance abuse treatment and services through the VA.
VTC's Veteran Mentors bridge the gap between “Legal Requirements” & “Treatment Needs”---assisting participants navigate the course as there will be challenges along the way. The Mentor must be respectful, empathetic, and dependable while not being friend, counselor, or therapist. There is a time commitment involving a bi-weekly courts appearance with participants and aiding as a “resource” so as to reduce stress that can easily be caused by distractions of life. If interested in joining or desire more information, please contact:
Email: wycovtcmentor@gmail.com
Phone: (913) 303-0272
