Unlicensed Activity Legislation
The Commission requested introduction of SB 382 to prohibit a pattern of business where an individual attempts to sell an equitable interest in a contract for the purchase of real estate without holding an active Kansas real estate license. Some states have banned the practice of assigning equitable interest also known as “wholesaling.” Instead of prohibiting the practice, the bill requires someone who wants to complete these types of transactions to obtain a Kansas real estate license. The bill also grants the Commission authority to stop activities performed by unlicensed persons by allowing for the issuance of cease-and-desist orders.
Fee Change
At their January 24, 2022, meeting the Commission approved removing the $15 fee associated with reinstating an inactive license or changing a license affiliation. All other processes related to affiliation changes remain the same. Licensees and supervising brokers can login to E-Gov and select Affiliation Change to change a license status.
Employee Spotlight
Cindy Boswell as an investigator in the compliance department at KREC. Cindy became a real estate licensee in 2003. She was actively involved with the local and state REALTOR® association serving on the Hutchinson Board of REALTORS® (HBOR) from 2009-2012 and as President of HBOR in 2011. Cindy was HBOR REALTOR® of the year. She and her husband love spending time with their five children and seven grandchildren.
Your License Expiration Date Does Not Change
Effective January 1, 2019, KREC transitioned to a license expiration date calculation in which expiration dates for new licensees are the first day of the month two years after license issuance. For those with licenses issued prior to January 1, 2019, the expiration date is the first day of the month following their previous expiration date. Expiration dates do not change due to name changes or temporary extensions granted by the governor.
As a courtesy KREC sends multiple license renewal reminders via email, so it is important to update your email address if it changes. K.A.R. 86-3-15(a)(6) requires licensees to report changes to their email address to the Commission within 10 days. Login to your E-Gov account to ensure all contact information is correct.
Disciplinary Actions
Revocations, suspensions, and aggregate fines greater than $500 issued 12/15/21 – 01/25/22.
Docket Number
Last Name
First Name
License Number
Legal Action
Effective Date
License Suspended
License Suspended