This week’s edition of the Office of Recovery Newsletter features upcoming state housing development resources, specifically the Moderate Income Housing (MIH) program. The MIH program serves the needs of moderate-income households that typically don’t qualify for federal housing assistance by awarding grants to cities and counties to provide down payment assistance or develop affordable housing.
Also included is an article highlighting information about State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) and new resources that can help recipients learn more about allowable uses of funding, distribution of funds and reporting. We also provided a short checklist for recipients to prepare to receive the second tranche of their SLFRF allocation.
For the latest updates and information about resources available to Kansans, see the “Updates to Services and Support” section of this newsletter. For the most up-to-date information, please visit the Office of Recovery website at: COVID.ks.gov
New State Housing Development Resources Available Soon
The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) is working with state leaders to finalize a historic investment in statewide housing development, which includes $62 million for the Moderate Income Housing (MIH) Program and State Housing Trust Fund. A portion of the funding being used for this program will be coming from Kansas’ allocation of State Fiscal Recovery Funds (SFRF).
The Moderate Income Housing (MIH) program serves the needs of moderate-income households that typically don’t qualify for federal housing assistance. MIH grants and/or loans are awarded to cities and counties for down payment assistance or to develop multi-family rental units, single-family for-purchase homes, and infrastructure in communities with populations fewer than 60,000 people.
Housing is the silent crisis that affects all of Kansas. But shortages of safe, affordable housing have the greatest impact on our rural communities. In smaller communities across Kansas, the lack of housing is creating challenges in attracting and retaining residents. While employment opportunities are plentiful in many communities, housing options are not.
In past years this program funded a project led by KHRC and city officials to redevelop a city block in Pittsburg, Kansas, that was once the site of an elementary school. MIH funding was used to relocate water and sewer lines and provide homebuyer assistance for the development of 10 single-family homes.
As this program rolls out for this year, KHRC is seeking your input on our proposed rules, processes, and timeline for awarding funds. Register for one of the following webinars hosted by KHRC to learn more about their development programs and how the anticipated new resources will expand offerings for Kansans.
Monday, May 9, 2 - 3:30 p.m. | Audience: Kansas Cities and Counties | Register Now
Tuesday, May 17, 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. | Audience: Housing Developers | Register Now
Thursday, May 19, 11 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. | Audience: Housing Stakeholders | Register Now
For information about this program and other housing resources available to Kansans visit the KHRC website at: https://kshousingcorp.org/
Resources and Information for Receiving the Second Tranche of ARPA Funding
US Treasury Final Rule FAQs
The US Department of Treasury recently released the Final Rule FAQs. This document contains answers to frequently asked questions regarding the Final Rule of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). Treasury plans to continue to update this document as they receive more questions from stakeholders and recipients.
The Office of Recovery recommends that local governments review this document to learn more about allowable uses of funding, distribution of funds, reporting, and uniform guidance. Recipients also may find helpful the Overview of the Final Rule, which provides a summary of major provisions of the final rule for informational purposes.
Helpful Hints to Prepare for the Second Tranche Allocation
As we get closer to the allocation of the second tranche of SLFRF, we also wanted to provide a short checklist of items that will help the allocation of funding go as smoothly as possible.
Make sure that your Authorized Representative and Point of Contact are updated with the US Treasury and the Office of Recovery. This helps to ensure that we can get in touch with the correct people during this process and provide information and resources through email communications.
All ARPA recipients are required to have an active SAM.gov registration to complete reporting for ARPA funds. Please check your SAM.gov account to ensure that the registration has not expired. The US Treasury Department is also implementing a transition from DUNS numbers to UEI (Unique Entity Identifier) numbers. An UEI number is automatically assigned to your city when you register with SAM.gov. You can also find this information on your SAM.gov profile.
Double check that the banking information you provided when receiving your first tranche is still accurate and alert accounting staff to be on the lookout for a for a new deposit to ensure that it is deposited correctly. To view the full amount of your second tranche allocation, click here.
If you have any questions regarding the second tranche, acceptable uses of ARPA funding or general questions about ARPA programs you can reach out to the Office of Recovery using the CONTACT US link on the Office of Recovery website.
Office of Recovery Q&A Sessions
Join us on Wednesday, May 11, at 11 a.m. for an opportunity to ask the Office of Recovery questions about best practices, guidance from Treasury, upcoming deadlines, and other topics. These Q&A sessions are also an opportunity for local governments to share what they are doing and learn from one another.
Share your Story with the RO
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has allocated funding to each Non-Entitlement Unit (NEU) in Kansas that is meant to help cities recover from the impacts of COVID-19. These funds can be used to fit the unique needs of each city, and cities across Kansas are using their funds in creative and impactful ways. Do you already have a plan for your city’s funding? Let us know by using the Contact Us form in the top right-hand corner of the RO website and your city could be featured in a future RO newsletter.
The Office of Recovery is here to offer support and coordination. Questions and inquiries may be submitted via the Contact Us form. Please visit covid.ks.gov for up-to-date information and resources on recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic for Kansas residents, businesses, and communities.
DeAngela Burns-Wallace, Ed.D.
Secretary, Kansas Department of Administration
On behalf of the Office of Recovery,
Kansas Governor Laura Kelly