Animal Shelter In Need of Individuals to Foster Cats
The Kent County Animal Shelter (KCAS) is overflowing with adorable kittens and cats in need of loving foster homes. By fostering, you can help alleviate overcrowding at the shelter, help socialize and prepare our cats for adoption, and can enjoy the companionship of a pet without a long-term commitment.
In the image on the left is Airstream, who arrived at the Animal Shelter with her litter of six one-week-old kittens. Airstream cares for her kittens until they weigh about two pounds, at which point they can be spayed or neutered and adopted into new homes. While many cat moms can stay outside with their litters until the kittens are ready for adoption, sometimes the mother cat chooses an unstable or dangerous place to give birth, or she may become incapacitated, leaving the kittens alone. Each spring, KCAS receives dozens of litters, like Airstream's, and relies on dedicated volunteers to keep the kittens happy and healthy while they prepare for adoption.
Ready to make a difference? You can sign up to foster by completing a Volunteer Application here.
4th Annual Female Veteran Appreciation Brunch & Celebration
Mark your calendars! Join Kent County Veterans Services on June 30 for a complimentary brunch and celebration of female veterans. All Kent County residents are welcome (men and non-veterans alike) to hear amazing speakers, Retired U.S. Army Major Lorrena D. Black and Kent County Sheriff Michelle LaJoye-Young, enjoy delicious food, and visit the John Ball Zoo.
Tickets are free, limited to Kent County residents and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. To register, visit here.
Kent County Sheriff’s Office Unity Tour Team Cycles to Washington D.C.
Congratulations to the Kent County Sheriff’s Office's Unity Tour Team for a successful bike ride from New Jersey to Washington D.C. to raise awareness for those who sacrificed everything for the policing profession. Their trip was three days long and they rode 300 miles!
This year's ride was in honor of one of our own, Deputy David Cook.
May is Community Action Month
 Kent County joins the nation in celebrating Community Action Month, dedicated to recognizing the success of the national Community Action Network, originally created in 1964. Kent County's Community Action (KCAA) has been making an impact in West Michigan for 58 years focusing on meeting various emergency needs such as food assistance, utility aid, housing support, transportation, and socialization for residents.
In addition to the month-long recognition, we are proud to say that KCCA is celebrating significant growth and reach this past year:
- Distributed 88,337 free food boxes to residents in need
- Doubled the impact of their Weatherization Program, from servicing 50-60 homes a year to 110-115 homes
- Launched a new, free diaper program and partnered with the Kent County Health Department to distribute them to their Maternal & Infant Health program participants
- Provided 7,654 rides to older adults or individuals with disabilities
- More than 40,000 volunteer hours provided assistance to residents
To view recent media coverage for Community Action Month and learn about KCCA's work, you can view their interviews here: WoodTV8 | Fox17 | WGVU. To get involved in KCCA's programs, current volunteer opportunities are listed here.
Circuit Court Staff Achieve Executive Program Certifications
Trial Services Manager Nicholas Little and Court Services Manager Heather Blodgett of the 17th Circuit Court successfully completed the Institute for Court Management's Certified Court Executive Program at the Michigan Supreme Court, alongside a small group of fellow Michigan court managers and administrators.
This program required them to dedicate 250 hours to coursework to achieve this certification! Congratulations Nicholas and Heather!
Ready by Five Millage Information Session
The Ready by Five Millage is the first millage in the state of Michigan focused solely on young children and their families. In November 2018, voters overwhelmingly approved the millage to provide dedicated funding for services that improve children’s health, school readiness, and well-being. A renewal of Ready by Five is on the August 2024 ballot.
The Essential Needs Task Force is hosting an Information Session on June 12, 12:30 -1:30 p.m. to discuss how the millage is impacting the community and how parents help decide how money is spent. To learn more and register to attend, visit here.
Welcoming New Officers On National Correctional Officers Week
 Sheriff Michelle Lajoye-Young recently welcomed several new corrections officers to the Kent County Sheriff's Office (KCSO) and the timing couldn't have been more perfect to celebrate their addition on National Correctional Officers Week.
From maintaining order within our facilities to providing support and guidance to those in their care, our corrections officers exemplify professionalism and compassion in all that they do.
Join us in expressing our deepest gratitude to these remarkable men and women who play a vital role in upholding justice and maintaining peace. Thank you for your service!
Commissioner's Granddaughter Shines in Track Championship
Avery Hartley, granddaughter of Commissioner Tom Antor, recently made waves at the RunningLane Track Championships in Huntsville, AL. Competing in the 3200m event, Hartley clocked an impressive time of 10:37.53, securing her place as the fastest middle schooler time in the US, and claiming top spots in national and Florida middle school track history. Congratulations to Avery on her remarkable achievement and continued success in her track career!
Arbor Circle Celebrates the Launch of the Thomas J. Bullock Memorial Fund at Spring Forward Event
Congratulations to Arbor Circle for launching a new fund as part of their Spring Forward event, held on May 22 at the Grant Pavilion in Millennium Park. In celebration of the professional contributions of Thomas J. Bullock, a pioneer in substance abuse treatment and recovery, the new fund will underwrite an annual event for the West Michigan community focused on a variety of topics surrounding innovative and proven models for recovery in the field of substance use and addiction.
The Spring Forward event raised funds for Arbor Circle while giving guests the opportunity to learn more about its programs and impact. To learn more about the Thomas J. Bullock Memorial Fund, visit here.
Coordinated Entry System for Residents Seeking Housing Resources
Ever wondered how households seeking housing resources can find support in Kent County? The Coalition To End Homelessness created a flier which overviews the Coordinated Entry System, how to reach out for help, and the types of resources available here.
If you have a physical location where you provide services to clients who may be experiencing housing instability, please post and share this flier!
Explore Rewarding Careers At Kent County Today
Working for the County, you will have the opportunity to serve the public and contribute to your community. We have employment opportunities in general government, health, public safety, judicial, recreational, and much more. To view our open positions and apply, please visit
