Participate in Michigan's Broadband Map Challenge To Improve Internet Access
Do you have slow internet? No internet? Help us help you! Kent County is partnering with the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office (MIHI) to prepare for a federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) grant that will be awarded to Michigan. It's crucial to accurately identify areas marked as "unserved" by high-speed internet on the MIHI broadband map, as only these locations will qualify for BEAD funds. Let's ensure the map is correct!
Residents, businesses, and institutions are asked to:
- Visit the Michigan Broadband Map website:
- Enter your address on the top of the page
- Go to the “Connectivity Hub” box on the bottom left, then click the “Take a Speed Test” button
- To challenge your internet access, click “Report Service Issue”
If the map has incorrect services or speeds listed, users will be guided through steps to challenge the incorrect information. Beyond updating and confirming your address, we need your help to spread the word to your friends, family, neighbors, and customers and encourage them to also participate!
The BEAD State Challenge Process will run until April 30. We appreciate your assistance in taking the challenge and encouraging your network to do the same.
If you have any questions, contact