26th Consecutive Triple A Bond Rating
We were happy to receive the news that S&P Global and Moody’s Investors Service reaffirmed Kent County's Triple-A credit ratings, marking the 26th consecutive year we have received the highest credit rating possible from both agencies.
This achievement demonstrates our commitment to delivering services in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
2 Days Left to Participate in Michigan's Broadband Map Challenge
Do you have slow internet? No internet? Help us help you! Kent County is partnering with the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office (MIHI) to prepare for a federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) grant that will be awarded to Michigan. It's crucial to accurately identify areas marked as "unserved" by high-speed internet on the MIHI broadband map, as only these locations will qualify for BEAD funds. Let's ensure the map is correct!
Residents, businesses, and institutions are asked to:
- Visit the Challenge website: michiganbroadbandmap.com/map
Enter your address on the top of the page
3. Go to the “Connectivity Hub,” then click the “Take a Speed Test” button 4. To challenge your internet access, click “Report Service Issue”
If the map has incorrect services or speeds listed, users will be guided through steps to challenge the incorrect information.
The BEAD State Challenge Process will run until April 30. We appreciate your assistance in taking the challenge and encouraging your network to do the same.
If you have any questions, contact mapchallenge@kentcountymi.gov.
Behavioral Health Crisis Center Ribbon Cutting
 Today, we were excited to be a part of the ribbon cutting ceremony and open house for the new Behavioral Health Crisis Center (BHCC) at Trinity Health Grand Rapids, which will soon provide walk-in behavioral health services 24/7 by Network180.
The Kent County Board of Commissioners is proud to have allocated American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for this project, which has been in the works since 2017! As a result of the tireless efforts by healthcare systems, education, law enforcement, government, insurance providers, community advocates, and the mental health system, this facility will truly make a difference for those in need of immediate behavioral health care. Together these organizations have created a “no wrong door” system of crisis care for all of Kent County’s adults, regardless of income, insurance type, or zip code.
Four Deputies Now Certified Car Seat Installation Technicians
Kent County Sheriff's Office Deputies Gokey, Tilson, Mills, and Chase-Ophoff attended a 36-hour course through Safe Kids Worldwide to become certified car seat installation technicians. The course focused on educating caregivers on choosing the correct car seat and installing it correctly.
During installation, the Deputies ensure that the seat is appropriate for the child's weight, height, and cognitive ability and will check for recalls. Caregivers can schedule an appointment through the KCSO or Safe Kids Worldwide or attend a car seat community event.
Federal Funding Secured for Kent County Greenway
Thanks to the efforts of Congresswoman Hillary Scholten, we've secured $500,000 in federal funding for the Kent County Greenway project. This funding brings us one step closer to realizing our vision for a Grand River Greenway, connecting Lake Michigan to Downtown Grand Rapids and beyond to the eastern border of Kent County.
We're grateful for Rep. Scholten's commitment to enhancing our outdoor spaces. Stay tuned for updates on how this funding will enrich the Kent County Greenway project!
Employee Spotlight: Sara Simmonds
We are grateful for Sara Simmond's work as the Environmental Health Division Director at the Kent County Health Department. In her role, she leads and oversees a staff of 50+ in multiple programs, focused on promoting and protecting residents from physical, biological, and chemical risks.
"I have had the opportunity to work on solutions for complex environmental health issues like the PFAS contamination in Northern Kent County, for the Lead (Pb) Action Team, and interstate foodborne illness outbreaks. I learned through these experiences that I find working on complex issues gratifying. I like creative problem solving, fostering inter-agency relationships, and creating systems. It fills my cup."
Spring Clean Ups at Kent County Parks

We want to thank all of our amazing Parks volunteers! Their hard work helps keep our parks beautiful and accessible for everyone to enjoy.
Local Unit Quadrant Meetings
The Spring quadrant meetings have begun, with the next one scheduled for May 9! The upcoming pair of meetings, in date order, for local officials, County Commissioners, county-wide elected officials, and staff are as follows:
Group 4 (Tan): Ada Township, Vergennes Township, Alpine Township, Plainfield Township, Cannon Township, Grattan Township Meeting in Grattan Township: Thursday May 9, 3:00-5:00pm
Group 1 (Orange): Sparta Township, Village of Sparta, Algoma Township, City of Rockford, Courtland Township, Oakfield Township, Spencer Township, Nelson Township, Village of Sand Lake, Solon Township, Tyrone Township, City of Cedar Springs, Village of Casnovia, Village of Kent City Meeting at the North Kent Campus: Wednesday May 15, 3:00-5:00pm
If you have any questions about these meetings, contact Katie VanHevel. If you are unable to attend the meeting in your area, feel free to join another meeting.
John Ball Statue Move
On the week of March 19, the 99-year-old John Ball statue was moved to its new location directly north of the John Ball Zoo Pavilion Building on the County’s Zoo property.
The statue move was a success and landscaping around the new location is ongoing. This move is only the second in the statue’s history and it is happening to not only give more visitors a chance to see and interact with the statue, but also to make room for building a new habitat.
Forbes Names Grand Rapids "Best Right-Size City in America"
When describing the 5 Ways A Growing City Can Define Their Brand, Forbes declared that being a right-size city is the new aspiration.
"The city that’s a quick flight to anywhere with everything you need already present. Grand Rapids is in the Midwest, so it won’t brag about itself, but make no mistake; this is the best right-size city in America, with the stats, the people and the “want to” needed to continue to drive forward." To read the full article, visit here.
Public Health Week

As we took time to celebrate Michigan Public Health Week last week, we wanted to thank our amazing staff at the Kent County Health Department who work tirelessly to protect and promote the health of our communities! Your dedication and hard work make a world of difference every day.
MSU Extension Names New Kent County Urban Bilingual 4-H Program Coordinator
MSU Extension’s Kent County office is happy to welcome Adriana Sierra Ramirez as the new county urban bilingual (Spanish) 4-H Program Coordinator. Adriana’s focus will be on engaging youth and volunteers.
With a Bachelor of Psychology degree focused on community engagement from Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios and a Master of Public Health specializing in health promotion from Grand Valley State University, we are confident that Adriana will bring extensive experience to this role having worked with diverse communities, including refugees, Black, and Latinx groups, addressing socioeconomic disparities in Colombia and the U.S.
Adriana is currently working in the community sharing education and resources with students and families and will be at the below upcoming events...
To learn more about the MSU Extension 4-H Program, visit here.
Kent County Attends MiCareerQuest
Our Department of Public Works (DPW) and Human Resources teams had a great opportunity to attend the first ever MiCareerQuest on March 27. Over 8,000 students from West Michigan got the opportunity to explore different careers in one setting. It was one busy but rewarding day!
For one of the interactive activities, our staff challenged students to sort recycling items in 20 seconds, igniting their competitive spirit. Then, we demonstrated how their traits could match career paths at DPW, surprising them with opportunities in diverse fields like education and equipment operation within the same department.
We look forward to participating in this event next year as opportunities like these helps plant the seed in our future workforce.
Explore Rewarding Careers At Kent County Today
Working for the County, you will have the opportunity to serve the public and contribute to your community. We have employment opportunities in general government, health, public safety, judicial, recreational, and much more. To view our open positions and apply, please visit accesskent.com/jobs.
