Participate in Michigan's Broadband Map Challenge
Do you have slow internet? No internet? Help us help you! Kent County is partnering with the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office (MIHI) to prepare for a federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) grant that will be awarded to Michigan. It's crucial to accurately identify areas marked as "unserved" by high-speed internet on the MIHI broadband map, as only these locations will qualify for BEAD funds. Let's ensure the map is correct!
Residents, businesses, and institutions are asked to:
- Visit the Challenge website:
- Look up their address, and
- Confirm that the broadband service designation is correct
If the map has incorrect services or speeds listed, users will be guided through steps to challenge the incorrect information.
The BEAD State Challenge Process will run until April 23. We appreciate your assistance in taking the challenge and encouraging your network to do the same.
If you have any questions, contact 616-632-7597 or
K9 Deputy Ghost's Birthday!
It was K9 Deputy Ghost's 4th birthday last week and he stopped by the Administrator's Office, with his BFF and handler Deputy Hendrixson, to show us some tricks and get delicious fish snacks.
We hope his birthday was filled with all the things he loves – from his Kong toy to plenty of belly rubs and, of course, some well-deserved playtime!
Dogs in the Sheriff's K9 Unit, like Ghost, are bred and chosen for their intelligence and strong sense of smell. They can help when pursuing fugitives, searching for missing persons, narcotics, weapons, and explosives.
Special Guest at the Board's Finance and Physical Resources Committee Meeting
 We were honored to have a special guest at the Board's Finance and Physical Resources Committee Meeting on March 19 - 2 (almost 3) year old Sam, son of Commissioner Stephen Wooden. With his contagious energy, Sam was eager to speak up and brought a fresh perspective to the meeting. Future leader in the making? We think so!
Operation Fix the Future
The Kent County Animal Shelter was proud to assist the Bissell Pet Foundation, along with three other local animal welfare agencies in an incredible spay and neuter event last week. Over the free four-day event, 903 pets were spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and microchipped.
From Bissell Pet Foundation: "We feel so grateful and lucky to have met hundreds of people and their beloved pets who came to us from throughout Michigan. Thank you for entrusting us with your pet’s care and helping us end pet homelessness by preventing unplanned litters. We couldn’t have made this event possible without our incredible veterinarians, technicians, volunteers, and shelter partners, who gave it their all!"
MDARD, MI Agricultural Preservation Fund Board Awards $2 Million to Local Farmland Preservation Programs
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) Director Tim Boring and the Michigan Agricultural Preservation Fund Board (APFB) awarded $2 million in agricultural preservation fund grants to eight local farmland preservation programs, with Kent County receiving $120,800. The fund distributes grants covering up to 75 percent of the costs for purchasing the development rights on agricultural land. The funds may also be used to purchase permanent agricultural conservation easements to preserve farmland.
Igniting Scientific Curiosity: 4-H Program Coordinators Empower Students with Hands-On Learning
Witnessing the spark of curiosity ignite within students' minds is a truly remarkable experience. Samantha Griffin and Tyler Lidgard, MSU Extension 4-H Program Coordinators for Kent County, recently orchestrated, along with Grand Rapids Public School teachers Ms. Warmuskerken, Ms. Durso and Ms. Keogan, an inspiring initiative that not only ignited curiosity but also taught and applied crucial scientific skills.
On January 31t, 2024, Samantha and Tyler delivered three incubators to Brookside Elementary School and Union High School, setting the stage for a hands-on exploration of embryology using chicken eggs...continue reading the article here.
Employee Spotlight: Teresa Payne

We are so thankful to have Teresa Payne on our team! She has dedicated her 26 year career at Kent County serving our community in various leadership roles at the Health Department and now in County Administration as the Chief Inclusion Officer.
"We serve a large County and workforce, so when it comes to inclusion we strive to make sure that we are continually thinking about staff engagement, the best ways to reach out to the community, and at the end of the day making sure we do our part to ensure access to services and creating a welcoming environment for all."
To read our full interview with Teresa and learn more about her role, please visit here.
Kent County 2050 – All Our Ideas Survey
What must we get right to make Kent County an even better place by 2050? All Our Ideas is an online survey platform that is asking for your opinion on which strategies will have the most impact on Kent County residents in 2050. This input will help guide Kent County and its partners in prioritizing goals and eliciting ideas that it may not have considered.
Responses to the survey will be combined with the input provided by various groups over the past six months to finalize a plan that will lay out how we can work together with local governments, non-profit organizations, private businesses, and philanthropy to positively impact our future.
To share your thoughts on the future of our community, take the survey by clicking this link. Haga clic aquí para ver la versión en español de la encuesta. The survey closes on April 11. We have already received over 14,000 votes!
Visit our website to learn more about the Kent County 2050 initiative.
Veterans Services Services Featured on Fox17
Kent County Veterans Services was on Fox17's Morning Mix to talk about their programs and how many veterans are not taking full advantage of the services available to them.
Offering everything from support groups to acupuncture, Veterans Services is dedicated to helping veterans and surviving spouses file claims, as well as assisting veterans with unforeseen emergencies. If eligible, Veterans Services will help with rent/mortgage, utilities, and food insecurities, among many other services.
Cesar E. Chavez Celebration
Kent County staff and elected officials attended the Cesar E. Chavez Celebration on Thursday, March 14. The theme for this year’s commemoration was “It Is Always About People."
Cesar E. Chavez was a labor leader and civil rights activist that led the first successful farm workers union in American history. At the event, Commissioner Carol Hennessy presented Kent County’s Proclamation to honor Cesar E. Chavez. "Now, therefore, be it resolved, that on behalf of the Kent County Board of Commissioners and Chair Stan Stek, we proclaim in unity “Si Se Puede! (Yes, we can)."
Looking for a rewarding career? Consider Kent County!
Working for the County, you will have the opportunity to serve the public and contribute to your community. We have employment opportunities in general government, health, public safety, judicial, recreational, and much more. To view our open positions and apply, please visit
