Included in this month’s newsletter are the Presidential Primary Official Election Results, candidate filing information for the August Primary and November General elections, and information on the County’s next election, which is a Special Election on Tuesday, May 7. Should you have questions, please contact Kent County Elections Director Mike Sullivan, at michael.sullivan@kentcountymi.gov or 616-632-7657.
Sincerely, Lisa Posthumus Lyons Kent County Clerk/Register of Deeds
In March, Clerk Lyons provided her Elections 101 presentation at the inaugural gathering of the Michiganders for Civic Resilience, American Bar Association Task Force on American Democracy, and at the monthly meeting of the League of Women Voters Greater Grand Rapids Area. This presentation includes information on Michigan's election system, recent changes in State election law, and how the Kent County Clerk's office ensures all elections are secure, transparent, fair, and accurate.
If you are interested in inviting Clerk Lyons to provide this presentation to your community group, please email clerk-register@kentcountymi.gov to schedule.
The official results of the February 27 Presidential Primary can be found by clicking here. The County had a 23.39% voter turnout. Of that 56.7% of voters voted absentee ballot, 39.7% on Election Day, and 3.6% during Early Voting. The Statement of Votes Cast document displaying the results at the precinct level is available by clicking here.
Candidates interested in appearing on the August 7 Primary election ballot must file by 4pm on Tuesday, April 23. Candidates interested in appearing on the November 5 General election ballot must file by 4pm Tuesday, July 23. The filing requirements for the various offices appearing on both ballots can be found by clicking here.
The next election within the County is a special election on Tuesday, May 7. This election features a proposal question for the City of Kentwood and proposal questions for the following school districts:
- Comstock Park Public Schools
- Kenowa Hills Public Schools
- Lowell Area Schools
- Thornapple Kellogg Schools
- Wayland Union School District
Additionally, there is a recall election for two members of the Grant Public Schools Board of Education.
The complete language of the proposals can be found by clicking here. To request an absentee ballot for this election, click here. For information on your polling location, click here.
Earlier this year our office sent a press release and Clerk Lyons conducted several news interviews regarding the need for additional election inspectors to work during this election cycle. Please click here to view that press release. Further information regarding becoming an election inspector can be found by clicking here.
Ballot Question Committees not participating in a 2024 election must file an April Quarterly report by 5pm April 25 for all expenses incurred through April 20.
All Committees participating in the May 7 election must file a Pre-Election report by 5pm April 26 for all expenses incurred through April 21.
For a calendar of the full 2024 campaign finance schedule click here.
Did you know that each city and township, prior to an election, conducts a public Logic & Accuracy Test? This testing is done to ensure that all election equipment functions as expected and tabulates ballots correctly as marked. We invite you to attend so you can learn more about our election equipment and process! For a schedule of the Logic & Accuracy testing dates for the May 7th Special Election, click here.
Presidential Primary: Tuesday, February 27 Special Election: Tuesday, May 7 State Primary Election: Tuesday, August 6 General Election: Tuesday, November 5