Commissioners Visit Lansing To Engage With State Legislators

Several Commissioners and County staff recently visited the Capitol, where they met with Speaker of the House Joe Tate, Senate Majority Leader Winnie Brinks, the Kent County Legislative Delegation, and leaders from the Michigan Association of Counties. They had productive discussions about the Board's legislative priorities and how we can work together to better serve the residents of Kent County.
We're grateful for the involvement of our legislators in advocating for our county's needs at the state level.
Grant Funding Approved for Vital Community Assistance
In March, the Board approved several grants that will further assist Kent County Community Action (KCCA) to provide essential support to community members in need.
Diaper Bank Program: This initiative will supply diapers and diapering supplies to households in need, supporting approximately 200 households and an estimated 250 children.
Local Water Utility Affordability Program: With a focus on assisting 400 households with water and wastewater bill assistance, along with providing plumbing improvements for 20 households, this program ensures access to clean water for residents below 200% of the federal poverty limit.
Weatherization Deferral Reduction Program: Aimed at making homes eligible for weatherization services, this program will benefit approximately 101 homes with repairs and improvements, increasing energy efficiency.
By addressing critical needs such as childcare, water affordability, and home weatherization, KCCA continues to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and families throughout the county.
Celebrating Meals on Wheels
Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Master Plan
At yesterday's Board of Commissioner's Meeting, a resolution passed to adopt the Kent County Parks Department's 2024 - 2028 Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Master Plan.
The plan is a cooperative effort to improve and provide diverse and equitable experiences for Kent County area residents and visitors. To review the full Master Plan, visit here.
Kent Conservation District Showcase
The Kent Conservation District hosted the annual Conservation Showcase on March 21 in Rockford. Commissioners Hennessy, Pachla and Ponstein attended along with several state legislators and County staff. Following an introduction by Kent Conservation District Board Chair Jerry Miller, staff members highlighted their programs, funding sources, accomplishments and opportunities to get involved in the District’s work.
The team also recognized the Conservation Farmer of the Year, Volunteer Stewardship and Friend of Conservation award winners. The evening was a valuable opportunity to learn about the team and the programs underway to protect and enhance the natural resource of Kent County. For more information about the Kent Conservation District, including the popular Spring Native Plant Sales, visit here.
Q4 of 2023 ARPA Report
We're thrilled to share with you the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fourth quarter report for 2023, providing a narrative update on the progress of various projects.
In this edition of the report, we've included an image highlighting the completed projects for easy reference. We've also included information on the last projects funded by our ARPA dollars.
The funded projects have been making significant strides, and we look forward to witnessing their positive impact on our community. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements in the coming months!
Commissioners' Board Meeting Highlights
The Board of Commissioners meet on the second and fourth Thursdays. Engaging in these meetings, whether attending in person or via livestream, provides a valuable opportunity to stay updated and engaged with issues affecting the community.
Here are videos summarizing key moments from our March Board meetings:
March 14, 2024 Meeting
- Resolution Passed to Accept Grant Funds from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to the Diaper Bank Program
- Resolution Passed to Accept Grant Funds from the Michigan Department of Transportation to The Rapid’s Interurban Transit Partnership Program
- Resolution Passed to Approve an Amendment to the MDHHS Comprehensive Agreement for the Sewer Network Program
- Resolution Passed to Allocate Ready by Five Millage Funds to the YMCA of Greater Grand Rapids’ Proposed Child and Family Advocate Program
March 28, 2024 Meeting
- Presentation by The Right Place
- Resolution Passed to Transfer Ownership of Former Sheriff’s North Substation to Tyrone Township and Parcel Split
- Resolution Passed to Accept and Appropriate Grant Funds from MDHHS to the 2024 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program’s Weatherization Assistance Program
- Resolution Passed to Adopt the Parks Department's proposed 2024 - 2028 Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Master Plan
- Resolution Passed to Approve the Reappointment of Kenyatta Brame to the Jury Commission
Upcoming Meetings
- Tuesday, April 16: Finance and Physical Resources Committee
- Thursday, April 18: Board of Commissioners Meeting
- Tuesday, April 23: Legislative and Human Resources Committee
- Tuesday, May 2: Board of Commissioners Meeting
- Tuesday, May 7: Finance and Physical Resources Committee
- Tuesday, May 14: Legislative and Human Resources Committee
- Thursday, May 16: Board of Commissioners Meeting
- Tuesday, May 21: Finance and Physical Resources Committee
- Tuesday, May 28: Legislative and Human Resources Committee
All Board and committee meetings start at 8:30 a.m. and take place at the County Administration Building within the Board of Commissioners Chambers, unless otherwise specified.
Click here to access the meeting agenda and minutes and click here to keep apprised of any scheduling changes.