February 27, 2024 | 9:35 am |
KCSO Partners with Michigan Incarcerated Veterans' In-Reach Program (MIVIP)
KENT COUNTY, Mich: The Kent County Sheriff's Office is honored to be partnered with the Michigan Incarcerated Veterans' In-Reach Program (MIVIP), which was awarded the Pinnacle Award on February 15, 2024. This nationally recognized award highlights the extraordinary efforts of this veteran-focused program. The primary mission of this organization is to reach veterans where they are and provide them with the resources to help them become successful post-incarceration. This program validated its success because its participants have less than a 1% recidivism rate! The Kent County Sheriff's Office was the first jail in the state of Michigan to partner with MIVP, which allowed this program the opportunity to expand its outreach. Due to the program's continued success, additional jails have contacted MIVIP.
MIVIP collaborated with 23 veterans within our correctional facility and provided them with veteran's benefits, discharge paperwork, housing assistance, transportation vouchers, food assistance, and career skills. Not only does this program assist veterans while they are in a correctional setting, but it also assigns a case manager to follow up with veterans for one year after their incarceration.
MIVIP is currently utilizing a 3-year grant to expand its programming into jails. The Kent County Sheriff's Office is humbled to participate in this partnership, and looks forward to continuing this joint effort to positively impact our veterans.
Contact: Sgt Kailey Gilbert - Public Information Officer 616.632.6106 | kailey.gilbert@kentcountymi.gov