Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker
For Immediate Release: Jan. 25, 2024 Contact: Lori Latham PH: 616-401-1743 EM: lori.latham@kentcountymi.gov
Statement from Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker on the Court of Appeals Decision in People v Christopher Schurr
The Court of Appeals ruled today (January 25, 2024) on the defense request for leave to appeal in the People v Christopher Schurr (Opinion - Authored - Published and Opinion - Dissent.) In a 2-1 decision, the court rejected the request to quash and to dismiss the charge.
Following this decision, the Prosecutor issued the following statement:
"I am very pleased with the decision handed down today by the Court of Appeals. They recognized this case should move forward and we were justified under Michigan law in filing the charges we did.
Nevertheless, it is important to caution everyone that this does not imply the case will go to trial anytime soon. The defense has the option to appeal this decision to the Michigan Supreme Court, which we fully expect they will do. They will have 56 days in which to make that appeal. After they file, we would have an opportunity to respond to their arguments, and this process will take additional time. It will then be up to the Supreme Court to decide whether to hear the appeal. In short, we anticipate a further delay in any trial proceedings.
We appreciate the patience of the Lyoya family through all of this. This has been a long road and they have been very understanding through a difficult time for their family. We must let the appeals process continue to ensure we are protecting their rights as well as those of the defendant."
Please Note: The Prosecutor is currently not available for interviews or further comment.