Happy New Year and welcome to the Kent County Elections Department’s first email newsletter! As we continue to provide transparency within our elections process, our Elections Department will periodically send an email newsletter to help better educate the public and bring awareness to news surrounding our elections. I hope you find this information beneficial. Should you ever have any questions please contact Kent County Elections Director Mike Sullivan, at michael.sullivan@kentcountymi.gov or 616-632-7657.
Sincerely, Lisa Posthumus Lyons Kent County Clerk/Register of Deeds
Presidential Primary Election – Tuesday, February 27
The next election within Kent County is the Presidential Primary Election on Tuesday, February 27. Michigan election law requires that a voter must indicate in writing which political party ballot they wish to vote in the Presidential Primary Election. Cities or townships that have a local proposal may offer a third ballot option containing only that proposal. For more information, see MCL 168.615c .
There are three ways for you to vote:
Absentee Ballot: Contact your local city or township clerk’s office to request an application. If you are on the permanent absentee ballot voter list, you will automatically receive an absentee ballot in the mail ahead of each election. However for this election, you must complete and return the Presidential Primary Ballot Selection form to your local clerk stating which political party's primary you wish to receive a ballot for. If you are not on this list and you still wish to vote absentee ballot, you must return a completed application to your local clerk’s office by 5pm the Friday before Election Day. You can track the location and status of your absentee ballot online at https://mvic.sos.state.mi.us/. You may also pick up the ballot in-person during weekend hours or request and vote in your local clerk’s office until 4pm the Monday before the election.
Early Voting: There are 9 days of early voting ahead of all State and Federal elections. This starts the second Saturday before and ends the first Sunday before Election Day. Early voting procedures are just like Election Day – show up, complete a voter application, mark your ballot, and place it into the tabulator. Contact your local city or township clerk’s office for location and schedule prior to each election.
Election Day: Polls are open 7am-8pm. State law requires you to either show photo identification to vote or sign an affidavit saying you are not in possession of ID at the time you vote. You can verify your polling location and view a sample ballot by going to www.mvic.sos.state.mi.us.
Election Inspectors Needed!
Recently our office sent a press release and Clerk Lyons conducted several news interviews regarding the need for additional election inspectors to work during the Presidential Primary Election. Please click here to view that press release. Further information regarding becoming an election inspector can be found by clicking here.
Campaign Finance Corner
All committees have an annual statement due January 31, 2024, unless your candidate or proposal was on the ballot for the November 7, 2023 election. We strongly encourage candidate committees file this through the County E-File system though you may submit it by scanning it into an email to campaignfinance@kentcountymi.gov, mailing it to the address above, or by submitting it to our office in-person. The County E-File system filing option is not available to PACs or ballot question committees.
2024 Election Calendar
Presidential Primary: Tuesday, February 27 May Election: Tuesday, May 7 State Primary Election: Tuesday, August 6 General Election: Tuesday, November 5