Unveiling the Impact of Kent County's ARPA Funded Projects
In December 2022, the Kent County Board of Commissioners allocated funding to 30 projects, tapping into the $127.6 million received through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). This decision, reflective of months of extensive community engagement and deliberation, signified a significant stride towards transformational change in our diverse county.
Since then, several of these projects have either been completed or have commenced, signaling the onset of a promising era for our communities. Alongside these initiatives, the Board allocated additional funding in January and April 2022.
We've established a comprehensive report tracking the progress of all ARPA-funded projects. Accessible at www.kentcountyarpa.com, this report offers insight into the evolution of these initiatives throughout the past one and half years. We invite you to explore the report and witness the impact of these projects.
You might wonder what we are doing with the $9.3 million dollars in remaining ARPA funding. While no decisions have been made, the Board is deliberating on whether to use the remaining funding on internal projects.
Highlights from the Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Board of Commissioners meets bi-monthly on the second and fourth Thursdays. Attending these meetings or watching online offers a valuable opportunity to stay informed and engaged with crucial local developments, ensuring you're well-versed in your community's affairs.
In case you might have missed our social media updates, below are video recaps of the highlights of the November meetings of the Board.
November 9, 2023 Meeting
• Veterans Day Recognition with a Proclamation Presented to Veterans for Operation Green Light • Employee Service Recognition Award for Natashia Smith and the Health Department’s Facilities Management Team • Presentation by Blandford Nature Center • Resolution Passed to Approve the Kent City Annexation Petition Request • Kent County Clerk/Register of Deeds Lisa Posthumus Lyons Gave An Update on the November 7 Election
November 30, 2023 Meeting
• Presentation of the Treasurer’s Annual Report by Peter MacGregor • Resolution Passed to Contract With Gaines Township to Add Three Full Time Patrol Deputies and Purchase One Police Cruiser • Resolution Passed to Appropriate Funding from The Right Place Toward the Dwight Lydell Waterwheel and WWII Memorial Project • Resolution Passed to Approve Amphitheater Funding to the Grand Rapids – Kent County Convention and Arena Authority • Resolution Passed to Support the Memorandum of Understanding Related to the Public Soccer Stadium • Resolution Passed to Approve the 2023 Lodging Excise Tax Budget Amendment
Commissioners Tour John Ball Zoo
Several Commissioners recently toured the John Ball Zoo to assess requested changes to the 2015 John Ball Zoo Approved Master Plan, focusing on zoo operations and neighborhood concerns. The tour and subsequent discussions offered valuable insights and a deeper understanding to all involved.
Honoring Our Veterans: A Tribute of Gratitude
As November unfolded, our community rallied to honor those who've selflessly served our nation. Throughout the month, we urged residents and businesses to illuminate their spaces with green bulbs, a gesture echoing our appreciation. Operation Green Light, initiated by the National Association of Counties, resonated with Commissioners and residents alike, shining a light not just on veterans' bravery but also on the comprehensive County services available to support them.
During the November 9 Board of Commissioners meeting, a proclamation acknowledging veterans' contributions was read aloud. In a poignant moment, two County employees who are veterans accepted this acknowledgment.
Moreover, the Veterans Parade in downtown Grand Rapids was a testament to our community's recognition of the over 28,000 veterans residing in Kent County. Chair Stek and Commissioner Woodon attended, lending their presence and voices to read a Board proclamation, reaffirming our commitment to honoring and supporting our veterans.
As we stride past Veterans Day, let's extend our gratitude every day, ensuring our veterans know they're valued today and forevermore.
Upcoming Meetings
- Tuesday, December 5: Finance and Physical Resources Committee
- Thursday, December 7: Board of Commissioners
- Tuesday, December 12: Legislative and Human Resources Committee
- Tuesday, December 19: Finance and Physical Resources Committee
- Thursday, December 21: Board of Commissioners
All Board and committee meetings start at 8:30 a.m. and take place at the County Administration Building within the Board of Commissioners Chambers, unless otherwise specified.
Click here to access the meeting agenda and minutes and click here to keep apprised of any scheduling changes.
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