A Note From the Administrator
Summer is upon us and your County government has many activities, projects, and initiatives underway. I hope you enjoy the Digest and find it informative and let us know if you have content or ideas for articles.
The energy was high last week at Michigan American Legion Auxiliary Girls State in Lansing last week as a group of young women from high schools across the state dove headfirst into hands-on experiences in government. The week kicked off with an insightful panel discussion featuring three newly elected County Commissioners, Lisa Oliver-King, Jennifer Merchant, and Katie DeBoer, all from the Kent County Board of Commissioners, who shared their knowledge of working in government with the delegates. It was a busy, exciting week at Girls State, and the learning opportunities were endless.
I have had the privilege of serving with Girls State since 1986, first as an educator/facilitator and then as the Government Coordinator for the program for the past 26 years. As I reflect on my time in this role, I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of a program that has taught and mentored so many of our future leaders. I am now passing the Government Coordinator reins to the next generation and MSU Professor Erika Rosebrook will bring a fresh perspective and renewed enthusiasm to propel this program to new heights. Many in West Michigan will remember Erika as a former Kent County Management Analyst and former Assistant County Administrator of Ottawa County.
I will be taking some time off over the 4th of July, so I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful holiday!
- Al Vanderberg
Saying Goodbye To Our Equalization Director
On Friday (June 23), our Equalization Director Matt Woolford retired after a 26 year career with the County.
Matt came to Kent County in 1997 as the Director of Property Description and Mapping. He held that title until the Bureau of Equalization and Property Description and Mapping were combined into one department in 2000, and he became the Deputy Director of Equalization. In 2007, he became the Director of Equalization.
With Matt’s thirst for innovation and desire to standardize the profession, he was awarded Director of the Year in 2021 by the Michigan Association of Equalization Directors. Under his leadership, our Equalization Department was recognized as the Distinguished Assessment Jurisdiction of the Year in 2022 by the Michigan Assessor’s Association.
We thank Matt for his years of service and wish him all the best in his well-deserved retirement.
Recognizing Our Former Commissioners
We had the pleasure on Monday to recognize the invaluable service of six former Commissioners. We unveiled new trees and individual plaques at the Commissioner's Tree Grove in Millennium Park to represent their legacy and dedication to our community and their exceptional service as Commissioners.
We thank Mandy Bolter, Dave Bulkowski, Diane Jones, Roger Morgan, Phil Skaggs, and Robert S. Womack for their service and leadership. They will forever be a part of our beautiful and thriving community that they helped to create.
Refugee Foster Grandparent Program
A unique partnership between Kent School Services Network (KSSN) and Senior Neighbors is making a difference at Glenwood Elementary School in the Kentwood School District. Glenwood students represent a wide variety of cultures, with over 78% identifying as being part of a historically underrepresented population.
KSSN has collaborated with Senior Neighbors to pair two 55+ volunteers who represent the diverse cultures of the school with students and teachers who benefit from their support in the classroom. The program provides the senior volunteers with a sense of belonging, acceptance and purpose, while students receive reading and math education assistance as well as emotional support.
One teacher reported that their classroom refugee grandparent is so popular that she had to enforce a one student per day rule, so everyone can get their one-on-one time doing an activity with him. A student summed up their experience with the grandparent as “They are always so nice and I can talk to them when I am sad and they actually understand me because I feel better talking in Kinyarwanda than English.”
KSSN and Senior Neighbors plan to recruit additional volunteers and expand the program to more schools in the Kentwood District. For more information, contact Maddie Rhodes at maddierhodes@kentssn.org.
Lead Abatement Supervisor Training
LINC UP is hosting a Lead Abatement Supervisor class July 10-13 at its office located at 1258 Madison SE in Grand Rapids. This training is essential in removing the harmful lead toxins from our community and equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out safe and effective lead removal processes. More details below.
Deputy County Administrator Elected to Statewide Board
Deputy County Administrator Jenny James was recently elected to the Michigan Association of County Administrative Officers (MACAO) Board of Directors for 2023-24.
MACAO was formed in 1959 to assist county administrative officers in improving their ability to serve their respective board of commissioners and public business. Beginning on Oct. 1, 2023, the Board will be led by President Michael Bosanac, administrator/chief financial officer for Monroe County.
Congratulations Jenny for being selected to join the MACAO Board of Directors and for representing Kent County with dedication and commitment!
Getting Your Pet Ready For Independence Day
We are less than a week away from one of the busiest weekends of the year for shelter intake - Fourth of July. It is time to check the chip!
Does your pet have a microchip? When was the last time you updated the information? Is it registered with your current phone number and address? If you don't have your microchip information, stop by the KCAS and have your pet scanned for free. The team will help you confirm that your chip is registered.
Unmet Needs Program Soliciting Funding Proposals
Kent County Human Services Current Unmet Needs funds are used to support ongoing programs that provide a solution to an unmet need in the community, where no other or limited funding is available. Kent County, via the Department of Health and Human Services Board, is currently seeking proposals from organizations that meet this definition.
All proposals must be submitted by 2 p.m. on July 11 and must include a detailed description of the program, program outcomes, how the program partners with community solutions, how the need was identified and how the program addresses the need, and the amount requested. Specifications are posted here and inquiries regarding this request may be submitted here.
County Offices Closed for 4th of July Holiday
A majority of Kent County offices will be closed on Tuesday, July 4 in observance of Independence Day and will reopen on Wednesday, July 5. The Kent County Correctional Facility will remain open with regular hours.
On this 4th of July, may we give thanks to our soldiers for their unwavering dedication and sacrifice in ensuring our freedom.
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