Board Updates
At the April 20th, 2023 Kent County Board of Commissioners, Ag Board staff and Chair Denny Heffron presented on the history of the Purchase of Development Rights Program and how preservation remains essential to for quality of life and food security in Kent County.
Agricultural Preservation Tour - Part 1
On May 2nd, the Agricultural Preservation Board hosted a tour for Kent County Commissioners, staff, and preservation partners in the Grand Rapids metropolitan area of agricultural businesses and other industries that support farming in Kent County. The tour included behind the scenes looks at Michigan Turkey Producers, Zeeland Farm Services, and Robinette's Apple Haus. Tour participants learned about the diverse agricultural businesses that exist off the farm and how they contribute to both the on farm and off farm economies.
Farmer Mental Health with Michigan State University Education
During this Mental Health Month, MSUE would like to open themselves to farmers a as a resource for stress, anger, depression or other difficulties they may be having. According to MSUE, "In February 2021, almost 40 percent of adults in Michigan reported symptoms of anxiety or depression." It may be you, it may be a loved one, or it may be someone else you know that's going through a rough patch.
For more information, please visit:
2022 Ag Census Response Period is Still Open
Mid-Day Webinar - Wednesday, June 1, 11:30 a.m.

Strong response means strong data; these data will inform decisions that will help shape the future of American agriculture for the next five or six years and will help guide funding for crucial programs for farmers and local government. If you have already completed the census, thank you for doing your part. If you haven't found the time yet, click the button below to get started.
Don't Miss out on the Latest USDA Kent County USDA News
This latest bulletin features financial assistance for farmers experience crop and revenue loss due to natural disasters and also revenue loss during 2020. There is also information on the economic benefits of environmental stewardship through pollinator habit protection and field border development.

Field borders are managed strips of grass or legumes, sometimes mixed with shrubs, on the edge of cropland fields that reduce erosion, promote wildlife and improve environmental quality.
To read the bulletin, click the button below.
USDA Local Meat Capacity Grant Program
Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on July 19, 2023.
Simplified Equipment Projects will support purchase of equipment between $10,000 and $250,000.
The Local MCap grant program supports business entities (regardless of legal structure) engaged in meat and poultry processing with smaller-scale projects, with a goal to increase processing availability and variety for local and regional livestock producers.
Eligible projects include equipment purchases and installation, facility and equipment upgrades, minor alterations and renovation, and capacity expansion.
Kent Conservation District - Native Plant Sale
When: Saturday, May 27th, 10-3pm. Rain or shine
Where: 3200 Eagle Park Drive NE, Grand Rapids
Restoring native plant habitat is vital to preserving biodiversity. By creating or restoring a patch of native plants, each section of habitat becomes part of a collective effort to nurture and sustain the living landscape for birds and other animals.
For questions, please Email or call (616) 222-5801
Migrant Legal Aid - Cup of Justice
When: June 23, 2023
Where: Scott Lake Golf Course in Comstock Park
Suggested donations range from $125 for a single golfer on up.
Your donations go to supporting outreach, education, and legal fees for the people who help ensure a successful Michigan harvest year after year.