A special message from the Kent County Agricultural Preservation Board
Each year the Federal Government and the State of Michigan declare March as "National Agriculture Month" and this year March 21 will be "National Agriculture Day". During this time, we are especially reminded of the hard work and long hours farmers across the country put in to get food to our stores, restaurants, farmers markets, and our kitchen tables.
In West Michigan, we recognize that our farmers require good land to create the food, fiber, and fuel all of us need and enjoy. Through Kent County's Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) program, the County permanently protects the prime soils and unique microclimates that make Michigan the second most agriculturally diverse state in the nation and the number one with a stable source of water.
Since 2005, the program has preserved 29 farmers covering nearly 3,000 acres, adding 67 this past November, and more funded projects are coming soon. This incredible work is only made possible by funding from partnering townships, MDARD and USDA, the endowment at the Grand Rapids Community Foundation, and the landowners who generously donate a portion of the sale.
Donations are critical to our continued success and the reasons to give are as varied as our produce. Whether it's an appreciation for the farming heritage of Kent County, enjoying the easy accessibility of local farms and farmers markets, or a call to help steward the environment, people find personal value in living in a world with abundant farmland.
During this National Agriculture Month, think of the ways you may support our famers. From patronizing U-Pick operations to shopping at a farmers market to joining a CSA there are so many opportunities for you to incorporate local agriculture and fresh food into your lifestyle. And, if you are so called, please consider making a donation to grow the Kent County Agricultural Preservation Fund.
Thank you,
Matt Channing
Agricultural Preservation Specialist, Kent County
Donations to the Kent County Agricultural Fund
To donate to the endowment, visit https://www.givegr.org/donate. Select "*Other Fund Not Listed" and type in "Kent County Agricultural Preservation Fund". You then may proceed to fill out the donation form and leave a note for staff to view if you desire. If you are require assistance for this transaction, please contact the Grand Rapids Community Foundation at (616) 454-1751.
Grattan Townships - Budgeting for Agriculture's Future
A township's budget is a reflection of what the community values and it sets the priorities for what will be accomplished.
Did you know that Grattan Township has a line item in its budget to assist with the PDR? These funds are dedicated to applications within the township and have helped make Grattan the most preserved township in the County and one of the most prolific in the state.
Since 2006, Grattan Township has contributed funding for the purchase of four properties. This has helped the County's PDR program grow by over 360 acres, over 10% of the total farmland permanently preserved to date.
In this National Agricultural Month, the Agricultural Preservation Board sends a big thank you to Grattan Township and all of the local officials who keep the needs of their township's farmers in mind.
Agricultural Preservation in Ottawa County
Many of Kent County's farmers own land in Kent and Ottawa Counties. Ottawa County's program has protected six farms that cover over 500 acres and received a Federal grant to expand their preservation efforts in partnership with the Ottawa County Conservation District. To learn more about the Ottawa County Farmland Preservation Program, visit miottwa.org/farmland.
Kent Conservation District Annual Showcase
You are cordially invited to our conservation showcase to learn more about conservation in Kent County. There will be a light dinner and short annual updates from each of our staff (MAEAP, NRCS, Invasive Plant Treatment, Plant Sale, and more) and Kent County Administrator Vanderberg.
Conservation District Showcase Tickets, Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite
Online ordering of trees and shrubs is available for pick up Saturday, April 22, 2023 from 10 a.m, to 3 p.m. at the Kent Conservation District office: 3600 Eagle Park Drive NE. All April seedlings are bare-root, which means there is no soil surrounding the roots when you receive them and they are ready to go in the ground as soon as you pick them up. A limited amount of extra stock may be available for sale during pickup days. Extra stock is sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Wildflowers, grasses, garden kits will be available to purchase during the spring May 27th 2023 Browse n Buy sale.
Order online at: https://www.kentconservation.org/plant-sales/
Questions: KCD@MACD.org or (616) 222-5801.