Investiture Ceremony Held For Judge Avery D. Rose
(Kalie Gascho, Kent County Probate Register)
On February 3, a formal investiture ceremony was held for the Honorable Avery D. Rose as Judge of Probate for the Kent County Probate Court. Chief Probate Judge David M. Murkowski presided over the event and administered the ceremonial oath of office. Remarks were given by Chief Probate Judge Michael L. Buck from Allegan County, Chief Probate Judge Murkowski, and Judge Rose. Following his swearing in, Judge Rose’s wife (Erika) and son (Henry) presented him with his robe and gavel.
“Judge Rose brings tremendous talent and experience to the probate court and I know I can speak for the entire Kent County bench in offering a hearty welcome and congratulations to Judge Rose,” remarked Chief Probate Judge Murkowski.
Upon taking the bench, Judge Rose thanked his friends and family, and underscored his commitment to the rule of law and to the people of Kent County. “I want to thank you for entrusting me with this important responsibility,” said Judge Rose. “As my predecessors and colleagues have admirably done, I pledge all of my talents and efforts to impartially apply the law and further improve the Kent County Probate Court for the residents of this great County.”
Judge Rose previously served as the Kent County Probate Register, overseeing the administration of the Probate Court and the Kent County Guardianship Program. Judge Rose was elected by voters in November 2022.
Kent County Commissions & Committees Vacancies
(Lisa Ampulski, Board Office)
The Kent County Board of Commissioners is seeking residents interested in serving the community through appointments to the Fire Commission and the Kent County Family & Children’s Coordinating Council. To fill the vacancies, a resident must be a public (elected) official for the Fire Commission and an advocate/consumer for the Kent County Family & Children’s Coordinating Council.
Click here to apply online by March 3, 2023. For more information, contact the Board of Commissioner's office at (616) 632-7580.
The Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund
(Peter MacGregor, Kent County Treasurer)
In early 2022, the Michigan Homeowner Assistance Fund (MIHAF) was launched to aid homeowners with additional financial support to help them pay their bills and stay in their homes.
The MIHAF uses federal resources allocated under the American Rescue Plan Act to provide financial assistance to homeowners who have fallen behind on homeownership-related expenses. The MIHAF program helps with delinquent mortgage, property tax and/or condominium payments, payment of escrow shortages, and past due utilities payments, including gas, water, electric, and internet or broadband.
To date, the Kent County Treasurer’s Office has received more than $596,000 from MIHAF grants for delinquent and forfeiture property taxes. This has helped 124 qualified homeowners in the last eight months.
To qualify for MIHAF, applicants must have experienced a qualified financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic after January 21, 2020, or had a qualified hardship that began before January 21, 2020, but continued after that date, meet income eligibility requirements, and the property must be owner-occupied. The maximum amount of assistance available through MIHAF per household is $25,000.
Interested homeowners can find details and a link to the application portal at or receive assistance with their application by calling 844-756-4423.
If you know anyone who is struggling to pay their 2019 to 2022 real property taxes, please encourage them to apply for a MIHAF grant. The program will continue through 2023 or until the $242 million in funding is depleted.
John Ball Zoo Raises Baby Turtles Facing Population Declines
Cute baby turtles are growing stronger at John Ball Zoo as part of the Zoo’s partnership with Grand Valley State University and the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute. The three institutions are working to help save eastern box turtles – an important turtle species in Michigan – from population decreases. The partnership uses head starting, a conservation practice in which young animals are raised with human intervention and then released into the wild when they are less susceptible to predators. The partnership is also studying the efficacy of head starting, as well as the ecology of head-started turtles. The Zoo has helped raise and release 74 turtles throughout the last three seasons, and the 12 baby turtles currently at the Zoo will be released in May.
Kent County Community Action Community Needs Assessment
(Rachel K. Kunanth, Program Manager)
As reported previously, the Kent County Community Action (KCCA) is conducting a community needs help the agency make future service decisions. All County residents are encouraged to take the needs assessment survey or join one of the upcoming community talks, in person or virtually.
Everyone who completes the survey will be invited to enter a weekly drawing for a $50 utility credit. Please take the survey by March 17 to qualify for this credit!
Ridelink Call Center Moving to Hope Network March 1
On March 1, 2023, the RideLink call center (RideLink Trip Coordination) will move from The Rapid to Hope Network. The Rapid made this difficult decision to focus on its paratransit operations.
Ridelink is a network of area transportation providers that offer transportation to persons aged 60 or older to any destination, including doctor visits, recreational visits, and shopping trips within Kent County. While the call center is changing, Ridelink will continue to operate senior transportation needs.
On March 1, residents should call the new number 844-694-6589 or use the new URL to schedule, cancel, or make changes to your rides or inquire about the program.
Click here for a brochure that can be distributed to older adults in your area. Also, watch for additional marketing materials from the Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan to ensure this information gets out to community members and organizations.
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