Board Updates
The Agricultural Preservation Board is pleased to announce the close of the 2023 Purchase of Development Rights application cycle. Please join us at the March 1 meeting to learn about the scoring and ranking of these applications. The Board will be using this list to identify properties for funding.
Michigan State University Extension Farm Business Management
 Managing your small farm risks has never been easier. Join with two guests, Phil Preston (GreenStone Farm Credit Services) and Kyle Knapp (USDA Farm Service Agency) go over options and even review a farm example. Bring your own farm to the table and discuss what options may benefit your specific situation, or just listen in.
Funding Your Farm
February 2, 2023, at 6:30 p.m and each Thursday through February 23 | Free
Selling your story in a business plan webinar series will explore key uses of a business plan. Participants will learn how to create this valuable document for their farm and explore what lenders look for in a business plan when seeking loan financing.
- February 2, 2023 - Basics of Business Planning and “What are lenders looking for”
- February 9, 2023 – Business planning basics: Marketing
- February 16, 2023 – Business planning basics: Human resources and operations
- February 23, 2023 – Business planning basics: Financial
The TelFarm system
February 16, March 16 and April 13. | $500
The TelFarm system is an educational service program designed to assist farmers with their farm financial records. It is available to producers who utilize paper records, Pc Mars® or QuickBooks®. It provides setup, review and backup of your records, year-end tax planning, and depreciation reports. The cost is around which doesn't include the recordkeeping software. TelFarm cooperators also have access to Users Group Meetings via Zoom 1-2 pm on Thursdays.
Personalized business planning
Michigan State University Extension will host business planning office hours. These online sessions will provide an opportunity to work with business planning experts from lending institutions and MSU Extension. Sessions are intended to help answer questions, review business plan drafts or practice your business plan pitch. More information on office hours and how to sign up will be provided during the live webinar sessions.
For more information, contact Jamie Rahrig, MSU Center for Regional Food Systems and Product Center at or Jon LaPorte, MSU Extension and DEMaND Series at
Farm Worker Information from Migrant Legal Aid
Farm laborers working in a field
Minimum Wage in MI $10.10/hour currently – stay tuned
H2A Wage in MI $17.34/hour
Resources available from Migrant Legal Aid:
Call 616.454.5055 for more information
Farmers Can Now Make 2023 Crop Year Elections, Enroll in Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Programs
Agricultural producers can now change election and enroll in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage programs for the 2023 crop year, two key safety net programs offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Signup began Oct. 17, 2022, and producers have until March 15, 2023, to enroll in these two programs. Additionally, USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) has started issuing payments totaling more than $255 million to producers with 2021 crops that have triggered payments through ARC or PLC.
Kent County Food Policy Council
The Kent County Food Policy Council is embarking on a food planning process to identify the key areas in which policy activity can advance a thriving good food system in Kent County. The Council will utilize the planning process to 1) identify priorities and initiatives to be included in a Food Systems Plan to be adopted by government bodies, 2) inform strategic focus for resident-involved work groups based on the policy agenda, and 3) act as the roadmap and operational work plan for the Council's engagement with community members and partners going forward.
The planning process will include a regional Food System Assessment, a Food Policy Assessment for Kent County and the City of Grand Rapids, and a Food System Plan (FSP) based on input from residents in areas such as food recovery, retail food outlets and food access, local agriculture, school engagement in growing good or purchasing local food, nutrition education in schools, farm worker and migrant labor priorities, processing and distributing needs of Kent County, farmland preservation, and living wage strategy.
Sign Up for Feb. 25 Burton Park Invasive Bittersweet Workday
Saturday, February 25 9a.m. to Noon
The Cascade Township Parks Committee is again partnering with Kent Conservation District to control the very aggressive non-native invasive bittersweet vines at Burton Park.
Join the Parks Committee for a workday at Burton Park, 6805 Burton St. SE. The KCD strike team will give hands-on demonstrations on how to properly cut and treat invasive bittersweet, which will involve cut-stump application. Treatment kits and various supplies, including $8 daubers, will be available for sale using check (preferred) or credit card.
For more information, call the KCD strike team at 616.222.5801
 Seif Farm - 141 Acres, Grattan Township