Media Contact: Rob Macomber/ 616.632.7661/
Statement from Kent County Clerk Lisa Posthumus Lyons
Regarding Judge Green’s Order granting motion to quash, and imposing sanctions against My Pillow, Inc.
The County and I are very gratified by Judge Green’s ruling this afternoon to quash the subpoena in its entirety. The Judge rightfully imposed monetary sanctions on Mr. Lindell and My Pillow for this bogus fishing expedition. Taxpayers should not be burdened by Lindell’s abuse of the court process.
A robust audit conducted in 2020 confirmed Kent County’s election was secure, transparent, fair, and accurate. There was zero evidence of any issues with the election results in Kent County. Mr. Lindell and My Pillow sought to abuse the court system to harass Kent County, the dedicated County Elections staff, and burden its taxpayers in a shameful attempt to rewrite history. Fortunately, the court saw through the charade. Moving forward, I will continue to speak out in defense of the integrity of our elections in Kent County.
Click here for a copy of the statement.