Kent County Launches Broadband Survey
Now, more than ever, high-speed internet (broadband) is an essential and crucial service to those who live, learn and work in Kent County. In some areas of the county, high-speed internet is not available.
Inconsistent access to high-speed internet can have a negative impact on economic development, local prosperity, and quality of life for residents. In order to bridge this digital divide, Kent County needs to gain a better picture of which properties do not have the essential internet they need. For this, we need your help!
We recently launched a survey to identify gaps in internet service across the County. Information gathered will only be used to support high-speed internet expansion efforts and will aid us in seeking federal and state funding for this effort. Click the link below to complete the survey which should take five minutes or less.
Congratulations to New Friend of the Court Traci Schenkel!
(Andy Thalhammer, Circuit Court)
Please join me in congratulating Traci Schenkel as she has been selected to fill the role of Friend of the Court (FOC) for Kent County. Traci was officially promoted to this role from Assistant Friend of the Court on October 17. She came to FOC in 2014 as a mediator/evaluator and was quickly promoted to Casework Supervisor in 2015.
Traci has a law degree and a graduate teaching certificate in English and Math. She also serves on many local committees and boards, including, but not limited to Alternative Dispute Oversight Committee, Cultural Insight Committee, Legal Assistance Center, and Healthy Dads County Coalition. Traci also has trained and presented at a local and statewide level in many areas, again, to name a few: Michigan Judicial Institute, Michigan Parenting Time Guideline Advisory group, Michigan Family Support Council, and the Safe & Together Institute.
Traci has demonstrated strong leadership and complete awareness of the office in day to day operations and in the overarching purpose of FOC. We are very excited to have her in this role.
Kent County Secures 67 acres of Farmland in Grattan Township
(Matthew Channing, Agricultural Preservation Specialist)
On October 17, Kent County purchased a conservation easement for 67 acres of farmland in Grattan Township. This permanent easement guarantees that the property will remain farmland in perpetuity. The purchase for the farm’s development rights was made possible by donations from Grattan Township, the Wege Foundation, the USDA, and the landowners, Scott and Melissa Sieracki.
In 2018, the Sieracki Application ranked 1 out of 11 applications for the east part of Kent County, the Parnell Corridor. Now, as the 28th property preserved in Kent County since the Purchase of Development Rights program was authorized in 2002, the program has preserved approximately 2,800 acres. Farmland in Grattan accounts for 800 acres, or just about a quarter of all preserved farmland in the county. The Agricultural Preservation Board selected this farm because of its abundance of prime and unique soils, allowing for a broad diversity of agricultural production and its proximity to other protected parcels.
To learn more about agricultural preservation and the Purchase of Development Rights program, click here.
West Michigan Asian American Association Gala
(Sangeeta Ghosh, Assistant Corporate Counsel)
Kent County Administrator, Commissioners and staff had the opportunity to engage in the West Michigan Asian American Association (WMAAA) Gala on October 5th at the Goei Center. County Administrator Al Vanderberg was invited to speak and expressed his appreciation to WMAAA for being a key partner of the Kent County Health Department over the past few years to bring COVID-19 vaccines and education to our refugee and immigrant populations. Congratulations to WMAAA for a successful event! For more information, visit Welcome to WM-AAA.
Ford International Airport Celebrates Grand Opening of New Operations Center
(Heidi Groenboom, Gerald R. Ford International Airport Authority)
The Gerald R. Ford International Airport celebrated the completion and opening of its new operations center which will consolidate key teams such as operations and communications; including a new emergency operations center (EOC).
The EOC is activated during an emergency at the Ford International Airport, supporting tenants and mutual aid agencies in Kent County. The facility is accessible air-side and public-side, making it ideal to provide daily operations support and reachable during an emergency. In a second phase, the Ford International Airport plans to expand the center to include its fire department at the site.
The user-friendly building is staffed 24/7 and is built to withstand extreme weather conditions, including winds up to 250 miles-per-hour. It is equipped with purposeful redundancies in technologies and communication channels to ensure services continue during an emergency. A heated parking bay ensures that vehicles stay out of the elements and snow-free. Read more.
John Ball Zoo Partners with Local Organizations to Help Conserve Michigan’s Rare Turtles
(Peter D'Arienzo, John Ball Zoo)
John Ball Zoo has partnered with Grand Valley State University (GVSU) and the Pierce Cedar Creek Institute to “head start” Eastern Box Turtles and protect them from predators.
Head starting is a conservation practice in which young turtles are hatched and raised with human intervention and then released into the wild when they are less susceptible to predators. A universal problem for Michigan’s turtles is the skyrocketing raccoon population, which preys on baby turtles and turtle nests.
A grant from John Ball Zoo supports the field work of a GVSU graduate student, which includes studying the efficacy of head starting, as well as the ecology of the head-started turtles. The Zoo has hatched, raised and released 44 turtles throughout the last three seasons and currently 12 baby turtles are getting their head start at the Zoo.
West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Gala
(Hollin De La Cruz, Welcome Plan)
Kent County was proud to attend and celebrate West Michigan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Gala at the J.W. Marriott. The event was well attended and showcased community leaders in our LatinX community. The West Michigan Hispanic Chamber (WMHCC) is one of our many community partners and is represented on the Kent County Welcome Plan Steering Committee. Learn more about WMHCC impactful programs, Building Bridges through Education and Transformando West Michigan. Thank you WMHCC team for a memorable evening!
S.O.R.T. Program Helps Kent County Reduce Landfill Waste
(Steve Farber, DPW)
A pilot program by the Kent County Department of Public Works (DPW) and the City of Rockford helps residents divert resources away from landfills by placing their waste materials into the right bin.
The DPW’s Separate Out Trash Recycling (S.O.R.T.) program helps guide where waste should go using colored bins that separate recycling and trash. After a successful temporary pilot program in 2021using the branded bins at the Rockford Outdoor Refreshment Area, the city is installing permanent S.O.R.T. bins in all municipal buildings and parks.
By utilizing the S.O.R.T. bins, users are helping reduce landfilled waste and bring Kent County closer to its goal of reducing landfill waste by 90% by 2030. The DPW is hoping to expand the use of S.O.R.T. bins to other communities using the blueprint of the Rockford pilot program.
Anyone interested in using S.O.R.T. bins in their office, business, school, place of worship or upcoming social event can visit the DPW’s website to submit a request for materials to set up the bins. The DPW offers a sign maker tool and vinyl wraps to place on waste bins that let people know what waste should go in each bin. The DPW will provide input on options available in your community for organics, recycling, and trash collection.
The Kent County Department of Public Works provides municipal solid waste disposal services to ensure the effective removal, storage, and disposal of residential and commercial solid waste through various facilities and programs, including Waste-to-Energy, Recycling and Education Center, North Kent Transfer Station and South Kent Landfill.
GIANT Awards and Banquet
(Teresa Branson, Chief Inclusion Officer)
On Saturday, October 1, several Kent County employees came out to support the 39th Annual GIANT Awards and Banquet. Since 1983, Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) has hosted this award ceremony to recognize exceptional leaders who shape the local community’s history, quality of life, and culture. With each award named after a historical local “giant,” their community contributions and legacies are memorialized throughout the work of the honorees. This year, Kevin Clemens, Juvenile Probation Officer with the 17th Judicial Circuit Court and TPOAM President was presented with the Martha Reynolds Labor Award.
Learn more about the GIANT Awards and Banquet and read the digital article by Grand Rapids Community College now. Congratulations Kevin!
Project Green Light
Veterans Services is so grateful to be working with the United Veterans Council of Kent County on the Veterans Day Parade, and Operation Green Light for Veterans! Please come to the parade on November 11th and wear your warm green clothes to show our veterans support!

Kent County Friend of the Court Resources for Parents Program (RPP)
(Traci Schenkel, Friend of the Court)
Kent County Friend of the Court’s Resources for Parents Program (RPP) provides support to parents in Kent County who are struggling to pay their child support or have issues with their Friend of the Court case. RPP helps parents find work, establish or enforce parenting time, adjust child support obligations, explore arrears forgiveness, and access services in the community. The RPP team thoroughly reviews a parent’s FOC case and completes an in-depth assessment to help parents identify barriers, set goals, and reach those goals. Parents are eligible for RPP if they have a Kent County FOC case, live in or near Kent County, do not have a pending child support felony case, and have a phone number or email address. Call 616-632-6888 or email for more information.
The RPP team is also active in the community, participating in several community outreaches every month. On a monthly basis, RPP partners with Safe Haven Ministries, The Hispanic Center of Western Michigan, 70 x 7 Life Recovery, West Michigan Works, and Dads Count! Healthy Kent Fatherhood Coalition. The FOC RPP outreach calendar can be found here.
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