Good afternoon Chair Stek and Commissioners,
We are pleased to provide you with all the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding requests that were submitted through our community engagement process. We received 319 funding proposals (this number includes duplicates) from individuals and community organizations. Additionally, 14 internal department priorities were added to the list for your consideration.
Our Guidehouse consultants have carefully reviewed all the proposals alongside our internal review committee. While we do not have enough money to fund a vast majority of the submitted proposals, it was truly an honor to learn more about these organizations and the work they are planning and doing to impact our community. We hope to refer the proposers that are not funded through our process to other available federal and state sources.
A link to the proposal catalog, guidance on Open Meetings Act and Freedom of Information Act requests, and other information is included in this communication to help you with the proposal review process.
If you have a question on a specific proposal, please send an e-mail to A staff member will forward your question to our Guidehouse consultants to address.
Due to the number of funding requests received, we are still refining the Board's review and determination process. We want to be open and transparent with the public while making the process streamlined for the Board. We will be back in touch with the next steps of the process.
Have a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend.