Statement From Kent County Prosecutor Chris Becker Regarding Injunction Issued in Planned Parenthood of Michigan v Attorney General of the State of Michigan
I have been informed that the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled that county prosecutors are not bound by the injunction issued in Planned Parenthood of Michigan v Attorney General of the State of Michigan. I appreciate the clarification issued by the court in that case; as the court recognized and as I believed, the decision in that case applied only to state actors/ it never applied to county prosecutors.
With that said, nothing changes from the statement I issued weeks ago. I cannot and will not ignore a validly passed law. If a report is presented to this office, we will review it like we do any other report of possible criminal behavior. We will make the decision to charge, or not to charge/ based on the facts presented in the report and the applicable Michigan law.
To this date no reports/ have been sent to this office for review.
Chris Becker Kent County Prosecutor