Consumer News... For You! September 2024

Sept.CenterPoint Energy Indaina

The IURC hearing in the CenterPoint Energy electric rate case is scheduled for Sept. 10 and 11. It will be livestreamed online

The OUCC and additional parties are opposing the utility's settlement agreement with industrial customers, which would raise annual electric rates by about $80 million if approved.

Natural gas rates are not at issue in this case. 

Closing briefs from the case's formal parties are expected in late September and mid-October. An order will be issued in early 2025.

Duke Energy Indiana

Formal parties in the Duke Energy rate case will file closing briefs in writing over the next few weeks.

  • The utility's proposed order is due Sept. 26.
  • Proposed orders and briefs from the OUCC and additional parties are due Oct. 18.
  • Duke Energy will then have until Oct. 31 to file a reply brief.

A Commission order is expected in early 2025. The case's evidentiary hearing concluded this week. 

The OUCC is recommending a 60 percent reduction to Duke Energy's pending request, with the agency's analysis showing that an increase of less than $185 million is warranted based on the case's evidence and applicable law. The utility has requested nearly $492 million in new, annual operating revenues. 

In addition to its testimony, the OUCC has filed more than 5,600 pages of written consumer comments for the formal case record.

Additional Case Updates