According to a new publication from the Treatment Advocacy Center, an estimated one in four people with a serious mental illness also face a substance use disorder. This puts them at significantly higher risk of homelessness, involvement with the justice system and physical comorbidities. It also much more difficult for an individual with these co-occurring illnesses to get treatment for both disorders. Only about 12.7% of individuals facing multiple disorders reported receiving any treatment. Many individuals’ first exposure to treatment is during incarceration, and even then, it is not likely that the treatment will address both illnesses. One suggestion for policy solutions is the better integration of the mental health and substance use treatment systems and an increase in the availability of integrated dual-disorder treatment programs.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a webpage that answers common questions posed by people who use drugs or have substance use disorders. There is also information available for medical professionals that have patients who use drugs or have substance use disorders. The page also provides links to information about interim syringe services programs and a list of COVID-19 resources for organizations working with people who use drugs or have a substance use disorder.
 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that approximately 20% of Americans suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain is often managed by prescription opioids, though opioids can be addictive if not monitored properly. To ensure the correct usage of opioids, regular visits with a healthcare provider and the provision of high quality of care is important. Also, overdose prevention strategies, such as co-prescribing naloxone to the individual or their family members (or anyone who can administer the naloxone if needed), can help prevent overdoses. Early intervention and refraining from prescribing high dosage opioids for long periods are key to preventing the development of an opioid use disorder.