Opioid Harm Reduction: Interact for Health is looking to support programs that work towards reversing the trends of non-fatal and fatal opioid overdoses. The funds can be used to supplement planning, implementation, or expansion of syringe services programs, targeted distribution of Narcan and/or fentanyl test strips, and/or an overdose fatality review team. Proposals are due on or before 5 p.m. EDT April 1.
Improving Access to Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder: Interact for Health will fund projects/programs aiming to increase access to treatment for opioid use disorder. This funding is specific to areas without treatment facilities or underserved communities. Proposals are due on or before 5 p.m. EDT March 24.
 A systematic assessment by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality published in its Comparative Effectiveness Review found little to no difference between opioid versus nonopioid treatment for pain. In the short-term, no difference was found difference between opioids and nonopioid medications in pain, function, mental health status, sleep or depression. Further, a six-month follow-up of opioid treatment showed evidence of increased risk of serious harm that appear to be dose dependent. The review also found little short-term improvement in pain with an opioid plus nonopioid combination therapy versus an opioid alone. Finally, for patients with chronic pain, limited evidence indicated no difference between long and short-acting opioids in effectiveness, but long-acting opioids were associated with a higher risk of overdose.
Fatal and non-fatal overdoses have been on the rise during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has launched a new webpage containing information and data regarding suspected nonfatal overdoses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The website also houses state-specific non-fatal drug overdose data. The data give us insight into the negative impact of COVID-19 on overdoses caused by social isolation and delays in treatment.