Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Police, CSXT Police and Indiana State Police Conduct Rail Safety Enforcement Blitz

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1550 E. 181st Ave 
Lowell, IN 46356

FOR RELEASE: Upon Receipt

Sgt. Ann Wojas
Public Information Officer

DATE June 1, 2017

Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Police, CSXT Police and Indiana State Police Conduct Rail Safety Enforcement Blitz

East Chicago, Lake County-Recently a joint enforcement effort took place in East Chicago conducted by the Indiana State Police Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (CVED), Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Police and CSXT Railroad Police focusing on traffic enforcement near the Dickey Road railroad crossing. 

This particular area was targeted due to its high volume of passenger and commercial motor vehicles traffic who disregard various traffic laws near and associated with the railroad crossings. The violations they found, but not limited to, disregarding the signal of a train approaching, driving left of center within 100 feet of a grade crossing, stopping on and/or too close to a railroad crossing, and disregarding a traffic control device.

This multi-agency enforcement resulted in the following:

·       1.   Citations                                  15

·        2.   Warnings                                 25

·        3.   CVED Inspections                    7

·        4.  Commercial Motor Vehicle

              Violations                               35

·        5.  CMV Out of Service               6


·        6. Vehicle Impounded                  1

·        7.  RR Trespass Warnings             3

·        8.  Felony Arrest                          1

This blitz was conducted as a part of a commitment the Indiana State Police and respective railroad police departments have to encourage and remind Indiana motorists to drive safely when they are near railroad tracks and to reduce the number of incidents that occur at the crossings.  Indiana is ranked 4th in the nation for having the highest volume of railroad grade crossing incidents.

Indiana motorists are encouraged to visit the Operation Lifesaver website at

Operation Lifesaver is a non-profit organization which provides free educational information related to railroad safety.

All criminal defendants are to be presumed innocent until, and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


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