Wednesday Word │April 8, 2020

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In This Issue


Indiana library jobs


This week's new Indiana library jobs

*Please visit the Indiana State Library's jobs page for all of the latest library job listings in Indiana.

If you would like your Indiana library job posting to be listed in the Wednesday Word, the position, and its description, must be submitted to the Indiana State Library. Click here for submission guidelines and to submit.

In the news

Indiana Library News

Is your library making news?

Take advantage of free boredom busters
Anderson Public Library

Meeting: Huntingburg Public Library
Huntingburg Public Library

*Please consult local news sources and library websites for the latest information on the closures of libraries and the cancellations of scheduled library events and programs in relation to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

Email news links for inclusion in the Wednesday Word's "In the news" section.

To be featured in the Wednesday Word, please email a press release and a photo.


State library blog


Follow the Indiana State Library's blog for weekly posts covering all aspects of the state library. Visit the blog here.

If you are an Indiana library employee and would like to contribute a guest blog, please send us an email here with your idea.

Miss an issue of the Wednesday Word?

Back issues of the Wednesday Word are available here.

Free training for librarians and library employees on LinkedIn Learning


Indiana State Library COVID-19 blog collection


The Indiana State Library would like to share several recent blog posts contributed by library staff members and guest bloggers. These posts all relate to the current COVID-19 pandemic and cover topics such as children's activities and working from home for librarians. The blogs can be found here:

"7 ways to cope during tough times – from someone who’s been there!" by guest blogger Jenny Kobiela-Mondor, assistant director at the Eckhart Public Library.

"Working from home? Here are some ideas for librarians" by Laura Jones, Northwest regional coordinator, Indiana State Library.

"EBSCO expands database content available via INSPIRE until June" by John Wekluk, communications director, Indiana State Library.

"Novel coronavirus COVID-19 resources for libraries" by Cheri Harris, certification program director and legal consultant, Indiana State Library.

"Stuck at home? Enriching activities to do with all ages from the Indiana Young Readers Center" by Suzanne Walker, Indiana Young Readers Center librarian, Indiana State Library. 

The Indiana State Library's main blog page can be accessed here. Please continue to visit the site, as more blogs related to the COVID-19 pandemic will be added in the upcoming weeks.

Indiana State Library COVID-19 webinar collection


The Indiana State Library has put together a collection of webinars related to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The webinars are presented by the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Amigos Library Services, Library 2.0, American Libraries Live, the Public Library Association and the Institute of Museum and Library Services with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The links to the webinars can be found here

Click here to find out how to document LEUs for archived training by referring to the policy on getting credit for taking a webinar.

Please contact the appropriate regional coordinator to suggest topics for future webinars.

IndyPL's Call-a-Pacer returns this month


Children and families are invited to hear fun, basketball-inspired children stories read by featured Indiana Pacers players and personalities from April through June on The Indianapolis Public Library’s 24-hour Call-a-Story telephone line.

By dialing 317-275-4444, or toll-free at 877-275-9007, or by visiting the Pacers website, listeners can hear recorded stories from Pacers as a way to encourage young ones to develop a reading habit. In addition, individuals can get new Call-a-Pacer wallpaper for their phones every Wednesday on the Pacers Sports & Entertainment Instagram account.

The schedule for the 27th year of Call-a-Pacer stories can be found here.

While the library’s physical locations remain closed during efforts to contain the coronavirus, IndyPL's many e-books and other free resources can be accessed here. When the library reopens, fans will be able to pick up colorful Pacers photo cards and posters and check out books read by the Pacers on the story line.

In 2019, Call-a-Pacer generated 43,758 calls during its 12-week run.

Upcoming workshops & important dates

A Primer for New Teleworkers
When: April 13, 2-3 p.m.
Where: Webinar

Basic Cataloging - Evergreen Fundamental Skills
When: April 15, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Where: Webinar

Advanced Cataloging Part 1 - Evergreen Fundamental Skills
When: April 16, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Where: Webinar

A Librarian's Guide to Attending GenCon
When: April 16, 10-11 a.m.
Where: Webinar

Government Information Minute

Welcome to the Government Information Minute. Every week, government information librarians at the Indiana State Library cover current resources on governmental data at the state, national and international levels, all to keep the public well-informed. Follow the Indiana State Data Center on Facebook and Twitter and feel free to leave comments and suggestions.

FDLP webinars


Indiana public librarians are able to earn LEUs by watching webinars through the Federal Depository Library Program’s Webinars and Webcasts page. The webinars are free for anyone to view, last one hour and are generally posted three days after an event. Archived webinars are also available to view and are LEU eligible. As a pre-approved provider for LEUs, prior notice is not needed for librarians wanting to earn LEUs before re-certification.  

The FDLP Academy was created to help promote federal resources and government information literacy to the library community and the general public. The FDLP Academy also serves as the communication hub for GPO. Visit the FDLP's events page to learn about upcoming webinars and events. Those with questions about the webinars, or how to obtain LEUs, may contact Indiana Regional Depository Coordinator Brent Abercrombie.

OVGTSL conference postponed until 2021


The Ohio Valley Group of Technical Services Librarians has postponed their 2020 conference until May of 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The conference will still be held at The University of Akron and will retain the same program and speakers as much as possible. OVGTSL is working to confirm new dates and will distribute a save the date as soon as possible.

Those who have already registered for the conference should expect to see a refund soon.

Please contact Susan DiRenzo Ashby for registration questions and Melanie McGurr for any other questions or concerns.

State Library schedules teleworking webinar


On Monday, April 13, from 2-3 p.m., the Indiana State Library will present "A Primer for New Teleworkers," a webinar discussing  practical tips for setting up a work space, organizing a workload and staying balanced in the world of telework. Lynn Hobbs, director of the Pendleton Community Public Library, will present.

Click here to register. The webinar is eligible for one LEU for Indiana librarians.