Ramp Metering Reminder: Pull Up to the White Line on Red
Sensors in pavement activate traffic signal
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (May 14, 2024) – Ramp metering is beginning on I-465 on the southeast side of Indianapolis. Traffic signals are being used at several ramps to improve traffic flow and safety along the busy corridor. The signals are activated by sensors in the pavement, so it’s important for drivers to pull all the way up to the white stop bar.
Ramp metering started early Tuesday, May 14, but vehicles were not pulling up far enough to activate the signal. Mobile signage has been added to help drivers know where they need to stop. Active testing will continue the rest of this week and crews will continue to closely monitor ramp metering locations. Drivers should continue to follow signals at each ramp.
Signals cycle between red and green to indicate to motorists when to merge. On a red light, the driver should stop at the white stop bar. When the light turns green, only one vehicle per lane should continue onto I-465. The next vehicle on the ramp should pull up to the white line and wait for the green signal to enter I-465.
When the meter is not in use, the signals will flash yellow, and merging will resume as normal. If the ramp gets full while the meter is in use, the signal will adapt to traffic conditions and increase the rate at which it allows vehicles to proceed onto I-465.
Ramp metering is in use on I-465 between I-65 and I-70. It controls the frequency of vehicles entering the roadway to match traffic capacity through traffic signals at on-ramps.
Transportation Systems Management Operations (TSMO)
The I-465 SE TSMO project is using strategies to promote smoother travel and improved safety. The corridor experiences congestion during peak travel times, which results in high crash rates. Visit INDOT TSMO or I-465 SE TSMO to learn about other TSMO strategies and project details.
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