Update: Exit ramp closures for high friction surface treatment
LAKE COUNTY, Ind. - Indiana Department of Transportation contractor RAM Construction Services is conducting high friction surface treatment on seven off-ramps along I-94 and I-65.
While subject to change, the updated schedule is currently as follows:
- Southbound I-65 to U.S. 231 - complete
- Eastbound I-94 to southbound Calumet Ave - currently closed
- Eastbound I-94 to northbound S.R. 152/Indianapolis Blvd - currently closed
- Eastbound I-94 to northbound U.S. 41/Calumet Ave to close on/after Thursday, October 5
- Eastbound I-94 to northbound Burr St to close on/after Monday, October 9
- Southbound I-65 to Ridge Rd to close on/after Tuesday, October 10
- Eastbound I-94 to northbound Kennedy Ave to close on/after Wednesday, October 11
This work is extremely weather dependent so the schedule is likely to change over the course of the project. Motorists are encouraged to watch for signage in the area of these ramps or check 511in.org for updated information.
This treatment is to decrease road slippage for motorists exiting the interstate. Each ramp is expected to close for 2-3 days while the treatment is applied and will reopen as soon as the material has cured.
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