This spring is shaping up to be very busy as the project nears the Finish Line. In early March crews set the first beams in the system interchange. Around the same time the former fire station at Smith Valley Road started coming down, the last property demolition on the entire I-69 corridor from Evansville to Indianapolis.
Smith Valley Road saw another milestone when crews poured the deck on the overpass bridge on March 2. That bridge deck is the last one to be poured over existing S.R. 37, future I-69. It joins new overpass/interchange bridges at Grand Valley Boulevard and S.R. 44 in Martinsville; Teeters Road, Myra Lane, Henderson Ford Road, Perry Road, Waverly Road and S.R. 144 in Morgan and Johnson counties; and County Line Road, Southport Road and Epler Avenue in Marion County.
Bridge deck pours have many moving parts and crews generally start before sunrise and work through the day. Specialized pump trucks assist in delivering material to the elevated structure as crews work to lay freshly poured concrete into the framework of a new bridge. Multiple crewmembers follow in behind to evenly distribute and smooth the material before the concrete hardens.
Stay up to date on all project news and events by following @I69FinishLIne on Facebook,Twitter and Instagram.
Motorists should expect single-lane and nightly double-lane closures on I-465 between I-65 and I-70 on the city's southwest side this week. Crews will be prepping for the second weekend of I-465 restrictions scheduled for later this month. Click here to view graphics of the upcoming restrictions.
With the weekend restrictions mentioned in the bullet above, the following ramps will be closed to ease congestion and reduce traffic flow in the work zone:
Eastbound I-70 to southbound I-465
S.R. 67 (Kentucky Avenue) to eastbound I-465
Mann Road to eastbound I-465
S.R. 37 (Harding Street) to eastbound I-465
U.S. 31 (East Street) southbound ramp to westbound I-465 will remain closed through 2024.
The actual starting date and duration for work and any closures may be adjusted if inclement weather or other unforeseen activities occur.
About I-69 Finish Line I-69 Finish Line is the sixth and final section of the Interstate 69 connection between Evansville and Indianapolis. The project will upgrade the existing State Road 37 to interstate standards between Martinsville and Indianapolis.
Governor Eric Holcomb’s Next Level Connections program fully funded the project and accelerated construction by three years. I-69 Finish Line is on track to open to traffic in late 2024, improving safety and reducing travel time.