Indiana Department of Transportation East Central - Tipton County March 17, 2016
US 31 Traffic Shifting for Phase 1 Construction at IN 28
Contractors for the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) plan to modify pavement markings on northbound U.S. 31 at State Road 28 today to prepare for phase one of bridge construction for the new roundabout interchange.
The existing northbound dedicated right-turn lane will be removed, and the existing right-hand through lane will be marked as a straight or right-turn lane. The three remaining lanes (left-turn only, straight only, and straight or right-turn) will also be reduced in width from 12-foot to 11-foot to accommodate temporary concrete barrier wall being set along the median and shoulders.

What to expect ahead
Rieth-Riley Construction, INDOT's contractor for the $10.8 million interchange project, will begin building up earth embankments for the new bridge approaches and interchange ramps. Crews will also begin construction of the new bridge abutments and center pier.
State Road 28 is tentatively scheduled to close for up to 120 days beginning in June. A specific date will be announced in the near future.
During the closure of State Road 28, a signed detour will direct highway traffic north to State Road 26 via State Road 29 and State Road 19. Local motorists are encouraged to plan ahead and seek their best alternate routes. To see a map of state highway work zones and road closures, go to
At the same time as the State Road 28 closure, U.S. 31 will be reduced to one lane in each direction and direct access to and from State Road 28 will be unavailable.
All new traffic configurations, including the new roundabout interchange and State Road 28 access bridged over U.S. 31, are expected to open in November.
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