Wabash Valley Correctional Facility Donates to Helping His Hands

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Indiana Department of Correction

Wabash Valley Correctional Facility
6908 Old US Highway 41 South
Carlisle, IN 47838-0500


FOR RELEASE: Upon Receipt

Teresa Littlejohn
Public Information Officer
(812) 398-5050 ext. 4110

Date: September 21, 2020

Wabash Valley Correctional Facility

Joins the Fight Against Hunger

Carlisle, Ind. - Recently the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF) donated produce to Knox County's Helping His Hands.  They are a non-profit organization that helps provide food for families in need.   At the beginning of the pandemic the organization helped around 1,000 families a month.  The need still exists and more members of the community have joined the effort to help meet the growing need. 

When WVCF Program Director Michele Lincoln became aware of the increased need for donations, she contacted Community Service Director Jackie Storm.  Jackie spoke with the supervisors of the WVCF garden project about the need and one short day later over 1,000 pounds of produce were harvested and packaged for transportation to Helping His Hands in Vincennes, IN. 

"When I hear of others within the community that are in need and know WVCF can help meet that need, I feel blessed to be able to contribute.”, said Michele Lincoln.  “We have all had times when a helping hand made all the difference."

Helping His Hands Chief Operating Officer Jason Burkhart said, "Fresh produce is not a staple in the Helping His Hands Food Pantry.  Because of the generous donations of produce through the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility throughout the summer, we have received onions, zucchini, squash, and cucumbers to distribute to needy families.  It has been a blessing to many families in Knox County.  We have shared produce with hundreds of families in need."

"Donating to the community is one way that WVCF teaches our offender population the value of doing good deeds for others.” said Warden Frank Vanihel. “The goal of rehabilitation is to instill in each of the men a desire to be a productive part of society, especially in times of need."

WVCF-NR-2020-40 Photo 01

Garden Crew Member Offender Anthony Kelley

WVCF-NR-2020-40 Photo 02

Garden Crew Member Offender William Giesleman


David Wence

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