Hymera Ruritan Donates to WVCF's Drive for US Troops

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Indiana Department of Correction

Wabash Valley Correctional Facility
6908 Old US Highway 41 South
Carlisle, IN 47838-0500


FOR RELEASE: Upon Receipt

Teresa Littlejohn
Public Information Officer
(812) 398-5050 ext. 4110

Date: March 23, 2020

Hymera Ruritan & WVCF Join Efforts to Support Troops

Carlisle, Ind. - In February, the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility (WVCF) announced they were gathering supplies to put together care packages for military troops.  When members of the Hymera Ruritan heard the announcement they decided to collect non-perishable items such as crackers, sunflower seeds and beef sticks,  In addition, the Ruritan collected $312 towards shipping.  With the help of other WVCF staff, Caseworker Michelle Woolsey has packed and shipped 44 boxes, and will be shipping additional boxes in the near future.  Among the non-perishable food items were tuna, Vienna sausages, peanut butter, beef jerky, and sunflower seeds.  Boxes of hygiene items were also sent.  They included deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and razors.

Caseworker Woolsey launched the campaign in hopes that those who receive items will know their service to their country is appreciated by friends, family and loved ones back home.  When Ruritan Member Ann Case was asked why the Ruritan wanted to be involved she said, "We are here to help the community, and have several members who formerly served in the military and remember the special feeling of getting care packages from home." The campaign concluded on March 13th with the last boxes scheduled to be shipped in the coming weeks.  


Ruritan Member Estel Shidler, Ruritan Member Mary Pepple, WVCF Caseworker Michelle Woolsey, Ruritan Member Marilyn Bledsoe, WVCF Warden Dick Brown, Ruritan Member Sue Case & Ruritan Member Jerry Bledsoe

About Hymera Ruritan

Organized in 1962, the Hymera Ruritan is a non-profit organization participating in numerous acts of philanthropy year round in Sullivan County and surrounding areas. They welcome interested adults, parents and youth to join and experience the joy of being a Ruritan. For more information contact Hymera Ruritan President Sue Case at (812) 383-9233.


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