MyDNR - Start your summer adventure


Visit and fish at DNR properties for free on May 2

The DNR is offering free admission to state parks, recreation areas, forests, and reservoirs on Sunday, May 2, which is also a Free Fishing Day.  

On Free Fishing Days, all Indiana residents can fish the state’s public waters without a fishing license or trout/salmon stamp. All size and bag limits remain in effect. For public places to fish near you, see

Free admission provides a great opportunity to enjoy your favorite DNR property or visit a new site. Find DNR properties across the state and the facilities they offer. 


Mothers day

Celebrate Mother's Day at Indiana State Park Inns

Join us for a delicious family tradition at your favorite State Park Inn on Sunday, May 9. Enjoy the meal, explore the park, and, most important, spoil Mom.


Abe Martin

Abe Martin Lodge’s renovated east wing now open

The renovation of the 54-room east wing of Abe Martin Lodge is now complete.

Rooms can now be reserved to serve as a base for great hiking, mountain biking and other outdoor activities in Brown County State Park, the lodge’s location, and for exploring and shopping in nearby Nashville and surrounding Brown County communities.


Off-duty Conservation Officer helps save a life

Officer Neel

An off-duty Indiana Conservation Officer was in the right place at the right time on April 26 and helped save a Highland man’s life.  

Indiana Conservation Officer Alex Neel was near the intersection of Ridge Road and Indianapolis Boulevard in Highland, in Lake County when he saw several people starting to perform CPR on a man who had been removed from a vehicle.

Neel is a four-year veteran of DNR Law Enforcement and is assigned to Lake County.



Explore Wabashiki FWA’s phenology trail

Practice your observational skills along Wabashiki Fish & Wildlife Area’s new phenology trail.

Phenology is the study of patterns in nature, such as flowers opening and birds migrating.

The trail was developed as part of a new partnership with Indiana Phenology and an existing partnership between Vigo County Parks & Recreation and the Division of Fish & Wildlife. Access the trail from the Dewey Point trailhead.


Kayaking on a creek

DNR needs volunteer paddlers to collect wildlife data

Indiana paddlers have an opportunity to observe wildlife while enjoying Indiana’s water resources. DNR would like more information about the wildlife that spend time around Indiana’s waterways and is asking paddlers for help.

Volunteer paddlers will document wildlife they observe while floating, from June 1 to July 31, by completing paddling trip postcards. Volunteers will be mailed a packet upon sign-up.

The information paddlers collect allows wildlife managers to estimate changes in key wildlife populations more accurately over time.

more info

Turkeys on a road

Try wild turkey hunting this spring

Spring wild turkey season ends May 9, and there is still time to experience the joys of turkey hunting. If you have already harvested a turkey, consider taking a friend or family member that has shown interest in hunting.

Indiana is home to 15 state forests and Hoosier National Forest, all of which are open to self-service hunting. Many Indiana Fish & Wildlife areas (FWAs) are hunted by reservation only, and some have open access after the first five days of the season. Many properties also conduct standby draws to fill open spots the morning of the hunt. Contact the property you wish to hunt for more information about its standby draw and self-service opportunities.

Be aware that during spring wild turkey season, only turkey hunters are allowed in the field until 1 p.m. ET at FWAs. After that time, turkey hunters must leave, and other activities like mushroom hunting and hiking are allowed.

tree planting

5 Reasons to Support the Indiana Tree Project

On Earth Day, the Indiana Natural Resources Foundation partnered with the DNR Division of Forestry and volunteers from Clif Bar to plant more than 3,000 trees at Ravinia State Forest. Read about how these young forests will affect Indiana.



What to do when you encounter injured wildlife

As Hoosiers venture outdoors to enjoy the warm weather, people will encounter more wildlife. This also increases the likelihood you will come across a wild animal that may need help. If an animal shows any of the following signs and can’t effectively move or run away, it may be time to call a permitted wildlife rehabilitator:

• Bleeding or clear signs of injuries such as bruises, cuts, punctures, or broken bones
• Looks thin, weak, cold or soaking wet
• Signs of diarrhea
• Flies, fly eggs, maggots, ticks, lice, or fleas have infested the animal

Please note that the Indiana DNR does not provide services for injured or orphaned wildlife. DNR relies on permitted wildlife rehabilitators to assist with these situations.


Tips for preventing bug bites

Walking along trails provides many health benefits to people. Don’t let pesky bug bites ruin your day with friends and family. Check out Indiana State Department of Health’s tips for protecting yourself from mosquitoes and tick bite prevention.

NFIP and Floodplain Manager Basics

The DNR Division of Water will be discussing the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Floodplain Manager Basics during a three-hour webinar on Wednesday, May 19 at 9 a.m. ET.



Get your hands on Indiana's best outdoor magazine

The May/June issue of Outdoor Indiana magazine features a cover story on butterflies as well as features on the evolution of picnics and how to take a youngster fishing. Become part of Outdoor Indiana. Subscribe for yourself, a friend, or relative.

DNR Response to COVID-19

The DNR is committed to ensuring that our guests and staff continue to have safe and memorable outdoor experiences at our state parks, state forests, fish & wildlife areas, nature preserves and state recreation areas in light of the COVID-19. We are following the lead of the Indiana State Department of Health and many local county health departments as we monitor the virus and its potential impacts on DNR properties.




The Foundation celebrates and preserves Indiana’s natural legacy by raising funds to support the Indiana Department of Natural Resources and its programs.

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