Contribute to Conservation: Donate to the Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund
The Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund has supported conservation initiatives for Indiana’s most vulnerable animal species since 1982. Diverse and healthy wildlife populations improve our quality of life by increasing the health of the overall ecosystem and providing opportunities to see unique and beautiful creatures in the wild.
In 2024, DNR biologists from each taxa (ornithology, herpetology, mammalogy, and aquatics) worked to make wildlife wins possible for rare and endangered species in our state. Our end of year video highlights some of these projects, made possible by generous donations to the Indiana Nongame Wildlife Fund.
As we plan for rare species conservation in 2025, we ask for your help. Donate today to the Nongame Wildlife Fund. Not only does it fund conservation efforts for rare species here in Indiana, but it also receives federal match funding. This means that for every $50 donated, Indiana receives an additional $93 in match funding. That's a $143 impact on conservation for only $50!