The 9th installment of the stories of watershed success efforts collected by IDEM staff and grant recipients over the years:
The Buck Creek-Busseron Creek watershed is in Sullivan County in southwest Indiana. The watershed contains 2 miles of Busseron Creek, along with 37 stream miles of two major tributaries of Busseron Creek: Robbins Branch (10.3 stream miles) and Buck Creek (27 stream miles).
Download the PDF version of Riffles & Pools for the full article.
It is always inspiring to spend time with our wonderful, talented HRW instructors. They bring much to the table with regard to professional training and expertise, as well as experiences in classroom and field with Riverwatch. On March 6, instructors gathered from around the state to attend a half-day retreat in Indianapolis. They met with IDEM’s HRW staff to wrap up the 2019 season and prepare for workshops in 2020.
Download the PDF version of Riffles & Pools for the full article.
A Hoosier Riverwatch Basic Training workshop introduces you to hands-on water quality monitoring methods. You will learn about aquatic habitat, chemical, and biological assessment techniques. Sessions are held in- and out-of-doors. All interested persons, age 18 and over, are welcome to attend. Once trained, certified educators are qualified to teach these methods and topics to their students.
Download the PDF version of Riffles & Pools for the full article.