It just so happens I was in the office that December day in 1999 when the call came in about a massive fish kill on the White River. Within moments, staff here were notified and mobilizing to drive out and inspect the damage. They were then quickly outfitted to collect samples of water and fish. Only those fish lucky enough to squeeze upstream in crowded tributaries had made it. Could they return to the river quickly enough to not run out of oxygen in the tribs? We hoped so.
Download the PDF version of Riffles & Pools for the full article.
The 2019 workshop participants took advantage of fair weather days and normal flow amounts later in the season to get their feet wet and hone their skills as stream water quality monitors. Twenty-six public workshops were planned and advertised; three of which were cancelled due to conflicting activities, leaving 24 workshops completed this year. Of these, two were advanced E. coli workshops. Additional outreach days and events were joined by Hoosier Riverwatch (HRW) staff and instructors to further the message of stream water quality monitoring efforts.
Download the PDF version of Riffles & Pools for the full article.
Hoosier Riverwatch training workshops have concluded for the year.
Welcome to all who joined us in 2019! Thanks to those who served as host and/or helped with recruiting and training! It is so very rewarding to see so many citizens interested in becoming Riverwatchers for their local communities!
Download the PDF version of Riffles & Pools for the full article.