News from the City of Carmel - March 22, 2024 |
City of Carmel prevails in state lawsuit
The City of Carmel announced on Tuesday, March 19 that it has prevailed in the lawsuit filed against the State of Indiana to challenge the unconstitutional special law that transfers Carmel’s local income tax dollars to Fishers. Local income tax dollars are utilized to fund essential city services and infrastructure projects that are beneficial to residents of Carmel, and includes funding for public safety, resident programming, street paving and sidewalk reconstruction, among others. This unconstitutional law has harmed the City of Carmel and its residents since 2020 by taking Carmel’s local income tax dollars and transferring them to Fishers.
The Court stated in its Order that, “Curing the evils of special legislation was the very reason why the Constitutional Convention of 1851 was convened. The Defendants have no cognizable interest in enforcing an unconstitutional law just as Fishers has no cognizable interest in receiving LIT Funds under an unconstitutional law.”
This link takes you to the news release.
Mayor Sue Finkam appoints Samantha Karn to serve as Corporation Counsel for City of Carmel
Mayor Sue Finkam announced today that she has appointed Samantha Karn to serve as Corporation Counsel for the City of Carmel. With extensive experience as legal counsel for municipalities, the healthcare industry and higher education, Karn will serve on Mayor Finkam’s leadership team, and provide legal counsel to the Office of the Mayor and all city departments. Karn begins her role on April 9.
“I am so excited for Samantha to join my executive leadership team and am grateful to have the legal counsel of someone with her extensive knowledge and experience. I look forward to working with her as a strategic partner on issues ranging from public safety to transparency in order to ensure that the priorities of my office are supported with expert legal counsel and care,” said Mayor Finkam.
Read the full news release here.
Carmel Arts Council presents local artists' virtual art exhibition
The Carmel Advisory Committee on Disability and the Carmel Arts Council are proud to present their annual Virtual Art Exhibition featuring pieces by Carmel residents with disabilities. This week's talented artists are Braydon McIntyre and Krista Darrow.
CNAN March Meeting
Carmel Neighborhood Association Network (CNAN) Meeting Wednesday, March 27, 6 p.m. Carmel City Hall, Council Chambers (Second Floor) Light refreshments will be served. CNAN continues to be one of the best ways for the City to share information about City departments and services, while addressing the concerns of the neighborhood association presidents' network.
To learn more about CNAN, this link takes you to the website for Carmel Neighborhood Association Network | City of Carmel
Hamilton County to host dozens of events & festivals for Solar Eclipse
Hamilton County businesses and city officials are busy preparing for the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, by creating special events, educational opportunities and safety plans. The destination looks forward to welcoming visitors for the celestial spectacle that will create total darkness in the middle of the afternoon.
This link takes you to the news release.
Civic Square (Carmel, Indiana): Carmel’s official eclipse viewing location is at Civic Square from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Attendees can enjoy a festival atmosphere featuring food and drink vendors, a variety of live music performers, educational information and live updates by eclipse experts. This is a free, public event. |
Conner Prairie (Fishers, Indiana): Conner Prairie’s eclipse festival will take place from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and include live performances from musical acts and dance companies and enlightened talks from renowned experts who will shed light on the science behind this mesmerizing event. Hoosier astronaut Mark Brown will take the main stage as one of the featured experts, sharing captivating stories about his time at NASA. Paid tickets are required for this event. |
Cool Creek Park (Carmel, Indiana): Guests can park on site and tailgate or stroll the grounds of Cool Creek Park for its eclipse event. From 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. there will be live entertainment on the pavilion stage, crafts and activities, food for purchase and a kids activity zone. Paid tickets are required for this event. |
Grand Park Sports Campus (Westfield, Indiana): Westfield will host solar eclipse festivities from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Attendees can enjoy food and drinks from food trucks, a concert with the 1985 Band, attractions and inflatables. Special guest Dr. Mark SubbaRao, director of NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center will be on hand. Grand Universe will also have viewing telescopes on-site to educate attendees about the solar eclipse and its history. Paid tickets are required for this event. |
Ruoff Music Center (Noblesville, Indiana): Ruoff’s eclipse celebration includes live entertainment, food trucks, a beer garden and more. Paid tickets are required. |
Strawtown Koteewi Park (Noblesville, Indiana): The Taylor Center of Natural History will host a Moon Market from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. in celebration of the total solar eclipse. Moon Market vendors will sell a variety of a celestial-themed wares for purchase and the Taylor Center will provide eclipse themed crafts and educational opportunities. Paid tickets are required for this event. |
Mark your calendar
Donate bicycles at City Hall April 13
2023 Annual Report now available
Carmel Utilities is a city-owned water and wastewater utility with a strong commitment to proactive maintenance programs, infrastructure investments and strategic planning efforts, all with an emphasis on community engagement and transparency.
To view the 2023 Annual Report, click this link.
Carmel Utilities Water & Sanitary Sewer Rate Increase
Carmel Utilities Water and Sanitary Sewer charges reflect a rate increase passed in the 2023 rate ordinance.
For more information regarding details of this rate change, please visit the Carmel Utilities website and go to the Rates & Fees menu at the top of the page.
Performing Arts in the City
Carmel has world class entertainment in a variety of genres featuring performances all year long
Each week we will highlight some of the events going on in the City.
Feinstein's at Hotel Carmichael
Will Hoge Saturday, March 23, 7:30 p.m.
Will Hoge is an American Americana country music singer, songwriter and musician from Nashville.
Purchase tickets to Will Hoge.
Click the venue logos below for more entertainment options.
Upcoming Public Meetings
Board of Zoning Appeals - Monday, March 25, 6 p.m. Carmel Climate Action Advisory Committee - Tuesday, March 26, 6 p.m.
All public meetings take place in the Council Chambers in City Hall, unless otherwise indicated. Public meetings are broadcast live on Carmel TV and YouTube .
To view archived Government Meetings with Closed Captioning, visit the City's video archives. Select the meeting you wish to view and once the window opens on your computer screen or phone, select the CC box on the bottom right corner next to the settings.
About the City of Carmel, Indiana The City of Carmel is a thriving community in Central Indiana, and is ranked one of the most livable mid-size U.S. cities. Known nationwide for pioneering urban design, Carmel has received numerous awards for its community amenities, quality of life, business environment and excellent schools, and continues to build community for those who live, work, play and visit the city. For more information, visit www.carmel.in.gov. |