Carmel Street Department prepares for first big snow of 2022
CARMEL, IN – The City of Carmel Street Department is preparing for the first big snow of the winter season today as heavy snow and possibly ice are forecast for the next two days. The Street Department has a fleet of 92 salt trucks and plows ready to battle the elements and keep our city streets safe.
“Our plan is to complete an all-city salt in response to the ice that may come before the snow,” said Matt Higginbotham, Street Commissioner. “Based on the current forecast, we also plan to begin 12-hour shifts for our crew and will stay working around the clock until the majority of the snow has stopped.”
Once the heavy snow stops, the plan is to plow the main thoroughfares and secondary streets and get them clear and safe for travel. Then they will begin an all-city plow that will include all neighborhood streets. Residents are advised to stay off the roads during the heavy snow fall and then afterward, be patient and allow for plenty of travel space while the snow plows are clearing the main thoroughfares.
If your mailbox or lawn is damaged by a City of Carmel plow, please email Evie Anderson with your name, address, phone number and a brief description of the damage. A service request will be written for repairs. You may also choose to call 317-733-2001, but please be patient as our call volume is very heavy.
Business owners are reminded that it is their responsibility to clear their sidewalks after a snow event, particularly those near schools. More students are walking to school this year due to the “no bus zones” created in 2021 and we want to make sure they stay out of the street and are safely on our sidewalks.
Not everyone is able to shovel snow safely. Please be aware of neighbors who are elderly and physically unable to shovel or plow and help them clear their driveways and sidewalks if possible.