Pace Updates: Initiatives unlock access for Paratransit riders

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April 19, 2024

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Uber driver assisting rider with disability

New Rideshare Access Program makes it easier for riders with disabilities to travel

As part of our commitment to accessibility, Pace has launched a new service that provides our riders with disabilities with another convenient, flexible, and affordable option to travel the region.

Pace’s Rideshare Access Program (RAP) allows RTA-certified ADA Paratransit passengers to book rideshares with Uber and UZURV at a discounted rate subsidized by Pace. The innovative RAP program and partnership includes $2 fares for trips with a maximum value of $30.

Pace developed RAP with the goal of providing our ADA Paratransit passengers with an easy-to-use option to visit places throughout our six-county service region in Northeastern Illinois. Riders can use RAP with little advanced planning to make essential health care appointments, shop for groceries, visit with family and friends, and complete other trips.

Riders with disabilities still can use Pace’s traditional paratransit services. The Taxi Access Program (TAP) continues to be available for trips within the City of Chicago. Please note that ADA Paratransit riders may enroll in TAP or RAP, but not both.

Hundreds already have enrolled in the new program since it launched earlier this year. Visit Pace’s website for more information about RAP.

Help us spread the news!

Check out our partner toolkit for the RAP program. The toolkit includes ready-made social media posts and graphics that you can use on your own channels, as well as background on the program.

Click this link to access the RAP Toolkit. 

Image with text promoting free fares for Paratransit riders

Unlocking access: Pace introduces free fixed route bus fares for ADA Paratransit riders throughout the region

Earlier this year, Pace also introduced free fares for all riders with disabilities, making it easier for our ADA Paratransit passengers to access Pace's region-wide network of fixed-route buses.

This fare change expands travel options and makes public transportation more convenient and affordable for the thousands of riders with disabilities who depend on Pace's transit services each day.

Free fares for riders with disabilities supports Pace's vision of access for all. By removing financial barriers for ADA Paratransit passengers, Pace is strengthening accessibility and encouraging more riders to use the fixed-route system.

To ensure rides are free, Paratransit passengers simply need to show their card to their driver when boarding the bus. Pace’s fixed route buses are fully accessible with ramps, dedicated seating areas, audio and visual stop announcements, and other accessibility features. Visit Pace's website for more information about this important fare change for our riders.

Help us spread the news!

Check out our partner toolkit for the ADA fare free initiative. The toolkit includes ready-made social media posts and graphics that you can use on your own channels, as well as background on the fare change.

Click this link to access the ADA Fare Free Toolkit. 

Headshot of Melinda Metzger

"The new RAP and Fare-Free Access initiatives speak to what Pace does best. We develop innovative ways to make sure our riders always enjoy accessible and reliable service no matter the destination."

- Melinda Metzger, Pace Executive Director