March 12, 2025
Lake County Board Advocates for Local Priorities at National Legislative Conference
Lake County Board Members and County staff attended the National Association of Counties (NACo) Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C., bringing together county leaders with members of Congress and federal agency officials to focus on federal policy issues that impact their counties and residents.
The conference provided an opportunity to learn at an array of sessions focused on topics such as public safety, emergency management, environmental sustainability and more. Valuable insights into best practices and possible funding options were collected and will be shared with the teams within Lake County government for thorough evaluation and consideration.
"The annual conference gives counties a platform to advocate for their communities and ensure that local needs and priorities are heard at the highest levels of government,” said Sandy Hart, Lake County Board Chair. “It’s especially important for Lake County Board members to connect with leaders from across the country who face similar challenges. Sharing ideas and discussing solutions helps us find new and innovative ways to better serve our residents."
Throughout the conference, board members participated in policy steering committee meetings and educational sessions directly related to county business. Vice-Chair Mary Ross-Cunningham, Lake County’s appointed NACo Board Representative, attends the NACo conference to not only further NACo’s priorities but also to advance the County’s federal legislative agenda.
"It is great to have the opportunity to gather in Washington, DC with other board members and county officials from across the country ," said Lake County Board Vice-Chair and District 9 Board Member Mary Ross-Cunningham. "Having the chance to promote the County's legislative priorities at the national level is crucial to having our voices heard."
Lake County Board Members, top row clockwise, Angelo Kyle (District 14), John Wasik (District 6), Marah Altenberg (District 19), Gina Roberts (District 4), Vice-Chair Mary Ross-Cunningham (District 9) and Jennifer Clark (District 15) recently attended the annual National Association of Counties Legislative Conference.
Jennifer Clark, Lake County Board Member for District 15, discussed the issue of ensuring digital access and training for all residents during a panel discussion at the Telecommunications & Technology Policy Steering Committee meeting. The panel spotlighted practical strategies to help bridge the digital divide which includes “digital skilling” or teaching residents digital skills.
Clark, who is Chair of the Technology Committee, highlighted that one step the County has taken is recruiting digital navigators. Six digital navigators, who travel across the county, help residents learn basic digital skills and understand topics such as hardware, email, online security, telehealth and software.
“Residents have access to basic technology at locations throughout the county such as libraries, health centers and the Job Center of Lake County, meeting residents where they are to improve digital skills and confidence," Clark said.
She also shared how Lake County is partnering with community organizations to distribute digital devices to eligible residents at community events. The County has distributed 87 new and refurbished laptops through device distributions and learn-to-earn courses.
The Lake County Digital Growth Initiative was launched in 2023 to better understand the current state of high-speed internet service and digital equity in the county in order to implement solutions for improvement.
 Jennifer Clark, Lake County Board Member District 15 and Chair of the Technology Committee, presented the County's strategies to bridge the digital divide during a panel discussion as part of the 2025 NACo Legislative Conference.