February 6, 2024
Qualified Candidates Sought for Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals
Lake County is seeking qualified candidates to serve on the Lake County Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). The ZBA is established under the statutory provisions of the County’s Code and focuses on zoning in the unincorporated areas of Lake County.
Those interested in serving on this critically important Board are encouraged to apply and learn more below!
About the Lake County ZBA
The ZBA holds public hearings to consider applications for zoning variances, delegated conditional use permits, and appeals of administration decisions. It also serves in an advisory capacity to the Lake County Planning, Building, Zoning and Environment Committee and the County Board for zoning ordinance and map amendments, and non-delegated conditional use permits, which include planned unit developments.
Meetings are generally scheduled in the mornings of the second and fourth Thursday of each month and held at the Central Permit Facility (CPF) in Libertyville. Public hearings for rezoning and conditional use permits are individually scheduled and usually held during weekday afternoons in the appropriate township hall or other public building. Public hearings for text amendments vary by day/time but are customarily held at CPF.
In its recent history, the ZBA has been involved in a number of very impactful projects and policies including the following:
- Review of a major regional development proposal (mixed use retail/office) for a 100-acre site
- Review of an ordinance draft addressing adult use (recreational) cannabis business regulations
- Review of significant environmental sustainability-related draft regulations
The ZBA consists of seven members and two alternate members. State law requires that each member reside in a different township. Based on current ZBA membership, residents from the following townships are anticipated to be eligible to serve: Antioch, Benton, Ela, Grant, Fremont, Libertyville, Moraine, Newport, Shields, Vernon, West Deerfield, and Zion.
How to Apply
Residents of Lake County, whether they reside in the unincorporated area or in a village/city who are interested in serving on the ZBA are encouraged to apply online. When applying online, residents should indicate that they would like to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals and they should complete each step in the application process.
- Residents may also submit their resume, letter of interest and any other supporting material they wish to include (such as letters of recommendation) via email to countyboardoffice@lakecountyil.gov, or via U.S. mail to:
- Lake County Board Office 10th Floor, 18 North County St. Waukegan, IL 60085
Those interested in serving on the Lake County ZBA are encouraged to apply by March 1, 2024.