PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 30, 2024 Contact: Kania Robinson, PIO (847) 377-2312
Lake County Clerk's Office Celebrates Help America Vote Day
 WAUKEGAN, Illinois –
Today, January 30th, is recognized across America as a day of action established by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission to encourage people to get involved in the electoral process by signing up to be a poll worker. By encouraging more people to become poll workers in their communities, Help America Vote Day is addressing the critical shortage of poll workers, strengthening our republic, inspiring greater civic engagement and volunteerism, and helping to ensure election offices have the staff they need throughout 2024.
"Today marks Help America Vote Day, a crucial initiative recognized nationwide. By encouraging citizens to step up as poll workers, we're not only addressing the critical shortage but fortifying our democracy. Becoming an Election Judge is a civic duty, and I invite all eligible individuals to join us in this vital endeavor. Together, we can strengthen our republic, inspire civic engagement, and ensure the success of our electoral process." - Anthony Vega, Lake County Clerk
Are you ready to help America vote? Begin the journey of joining the ranks of our dedicated Election Judges today by submitting an application at
To be an Election Judge in Illinois, you must meet the following requirements:
- Be a US Citizen and registered voter
- Be able to speak, read, and write the English language
- Not be a candidate for any office in the election or an elected precinct committeeperson
- Not be a sex offender
- Must declare affiliation with a major political party
If you are a high school student, you may be eligible to serve if you are a junior or senior in good standing with a GPA of at least 3.0. To learn more about our Student Election Judge program, please visit here.
Updated Compensation
If you missed it, we recently increased compensation for the diligent and dedicated pollworkers of Lake County! The updated base compensation structure for certified judges of election and election workers is as follows:
Judges of Election:
- Check-In Judge: $225 (increased from $165)
- Voter Services Judge: $240 (increased from $195)
- Ballot Box Judge: $285 (increased from $205)
- Early Voting Judge: $15/hr (increased from $12/hr)
For more information on Lake County Clerk services and up-to-the-minute election news, visit, follow us at, join our page at, or call 847-377-2400.